Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hey Everyone!!
This week has been so amazing:) The life of a missionary never stops and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love it here...I have successfully made though the 1st two weeks and I leave for Mississippi in only 5 days, I am estatic and I couldn't be more excited to serve my heavenly father. 
So this week on Monday my companion and I had to teach a progressing investigator.  Now since we don't have real investigators this lady was a member but she's acting like one.  She has no other family, she works full time, she doens't want to have a family, and she refuses to believe in God unless she can see him.  My comp and I were completely stuck...all I could do was pray thinking that maybe we could help her faith grow by letting her feel how much we love her!  But nope....we bore our testimony's and this tiny lady started to yell at us!  I couldn't believe it and what she was saying was making me sooo mad.  But the weird thing is, the moment I got mad I instantly felt the spirit leave (note I wasn't mad vocally...I kept quiet and bit my tounge).  It was the worst feeling ever...so I prayed for it to come back as quick as possible and it did! It helped me stay calm while she yelled and I looked at her and loved her as she was yelling!  My breath was taken away after and when we left, we left on a very calm note.  But I was devistated that she refused to even believe in God and she kept asking "what did Jesus do for me?  He's not here....he did nothing!"  We gave her the week before an entire lesson on the atonement and she was saying all of this now.  I started to cry when she was saying this stuff.  I wanted nothing more then for her to accept but she had no desire to at all. 
When we left the room we told her we loved her and we walked out and I immidiately started crying...I have never felt the spirit leave and come back so fast.  It was hard but after so a ton of prayer I felt love for her again.  Well then on Thursday night the Lord knew I needed what I was about to experience. 
We had two new districts come in and my Zone leaders and I all had to give an hour presentation.  We had met the new districts on Wednesday night so it was no big deal.  I had personally written a letter to each of the nine new sisters that came in and I prayed that helped them.  Anyways...We had a half hour before we were on and I had the opportunity to listen to the testimonies of each of these beautiful sisters.  I know I needed to hear those testimonies.  Each of these sisters aren't out here for any other reason but the Lord.  They had such passion when they bore their testimonies and it gave me even more of a reason as to why I am here.  I felt the spirit so strong and I love all of the sisters in my zone so much!!  There are 22 total:)  The Lord needed his women out here...can you imagine if it was a duty? Wow...that's a lot of sisters!  I loved Thursday night so much.  Each sister has this amazing glow in their eyes!  Well the zone leaders presented 1st and then for the last half hour it was my turn!!  I loved it!! I felt at home because I even had a chalk board:)   It was amazing!   I looked out everyone was engaged, giving me comments, and taking notes.  I even mixed things up and threw a song in there (of course).  Then after we all had to give a tour of the MTC I smiled and pretended I knew everything....when I didn't but that's okay.  After the tour a sister came up to me and said she needed a blessing and if I wouldn't have written her a letter she probably wouldnt have made it through her first night.  She was extremely homesick!  So I found my escorts and we all went into a room to have a blessing.  This sister is adorable and I know she needed that blessing because she has been on fire ever since.  It's kind of weird sometimes because all the sisters will ask me questions and some of them have drama and will just need a listening ear so they come to my room and ask to talk.  Haha I have barely written in my journal this week because I've been helping the sisters every night!
Best experience happened on Friday!  We got to teach a real investigator!  It was meant to be and the Lord knew we needed this night to help us realize that we are our truely out here for a purpose! Here's the story.  Right when we walked into the building there was this old lady wandering around and she was carrying a Book of Mormon.  I went up to her and asked if we could help her.  She said yes I have this book and I need to give it back to the person that gave it to me because his name is in it.  So we went on ever level and found an english BOM!  We gave it to her and that was that.  Well then when they assigned us to the rooms we went to our room said a prayer and heard this voice that said come in!...we walked in and it was that old lady that we gave the BOM too!!  She is Lutheran and a widow.  We loved her so much.  We had an amazing lesson and discussion and she said she knew what we were saying was true.  We said we couldnt be here with her throughout her process...but then she asked for our address.  We got hers and told her we would write.  She told us she loved us and was so happy we were there and we told her she blessed us more then she'll ever realize.  We hugged and wrote her a letter that night!!  The work is amazing and the lord has blessed me so much!  I cant wait to go to Mississippi!!  I love you all and I get to go to the temple today yay!! 
Please keep writing me! Extended Family and friends...I''m sorry I havent had a lot of time to send you letters yet but just be patient and send me letters!  This gospel is true I know it with all of my heart and soul and I will never deny that. 
Stay Strong, Surrender to the Lord, and I love you!
Sisiter Jenkins 
Couldn't stop laughing!

YES!!  Best Package Ever!

We had to switch classrooms:)

The only hand I can hold:)

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