Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hey ya'll!!
Okay so this week has been crazy! I just have to tell everyone that I am TRAINING! What in the world....I never expected to but Wednesday we were eating with President, the Elders, Gpa and Nanna. Mapu made the dinner it was so good!! That girl can cook! She made sticky chicken and we all loved it. After dinner the us and the Elders were walking out...we knew we would be getting transfer calls on Friday so we weren't really worried about talking to President. Then Pres. looks at Mapu and I and says I need to talk with you two. My stomach almost dropped! I knew he would be giving us big news as to what was going to happen to us but honestly I had no idea. He took Sister Mapu's hand and said, "Sister Mapu we are going to be moving you to El Durato Arkansas, you will be opening and training. You have been in Clinton for awhile and it's time to go somewhere else." Mapu said of course and I thought she was going to cry...she loves Clinton she's been here for 7 and a half months. Then he looked at me took my hand and said, "Sister Jenkins, you will stay in Clinton to train." Um...I put my hands over my face and started to cry. I fell so inadequat to train and I am so nervous! President just sat there smiling and I knew everything was going to be alright. We talked for awhile longer and Mapu and I felt really good about the future. We honestly have had such a great companionship. My training and my mission would not be the same without her. She is one of a kind and such a great example to me. I know we will always be friends--I couldn't have learned all that I have learned and will take in my heart without her. President showed me the picture of my new Comp. Her name is Sister Keyes and she is from Utah! She's adorable and meeting her today in person made me less nervous.
This week has been really crazy....we have really just been going with the Elders to all the members houses to say goodbye. Mapu and Milli have served here in Clinton together for the last 7 months so the ward loves them both a ton. Not going to lie I was exhausted last night....we finally finished saying goodbye to all the members and it mad me sad to watch Mapu love and say goodbye to everyone. But I learned so much about loving others. I know that sincere love is crutial out here and everywhere else. An adult knows when you love them just as a child does. Mapu had that trait of loving all and I hope I am able to carry it with me the rest of my mission. I love where I am at, I love Clinton and I love the ward members. They are so supportive of the missionaries and they sincerely are trying to help us.
It's getting warmer and today it's really humid...I basically did my hair and walked out side to have it stick to my face. All I can say is the summer is going to be awesome! Mapu has offically moved out of the apartment...she spent the whole week packing. She taught me how to make polly food!! It's so good--this morning I made Musubi. She left me her rice cooker and I am going to take it around with me throughout the mission haha it's going to be funny. We didn't tract a ton this week but can I just say I LOVED General Conference!! Conference in the mission is totally different--It's like super bowl sunday but better. I took so many notes my hand couldn't write fast enough. The saturday sessions we watched both here at the church. All the stake comes to Clinton--our church is the stake center. However, no one came haha it was just us four and two jackson missionaries. But that's okay--we stood and sang with the congregation...it was almost like I was at home:) When they showed the picture of the Salt Lake temple I couldn't help but think look there's my home! To some members Utah is a vacation--but Utah is my home!! I love it:) I loved all the talks on missionary work!! "Catch the Wave!"--Elder Nelson Missionary work is exploding and the lord truly is hastening his work. Today we had 12 sisters and 5 elders come in--I love how much support missionaries have and I have to thank everyone who supports me and my mission. It means the world to me and I thank my Heavenly Father each and everyday for putting all the people I have met and love in my life. I also loved Sister Daltons talk--it is truly a privilege to be a woman and a current Sister Missionary...I feel so honored to wear his name and do his work. So it was awesome to find out that Sister Wixon, Elder Falabella, and Elder Holland all came to speak to us in the MTC and they all spoke at conference!! I have hugged Sister Wixon:) I look up to that lady so much--She's a graduate from USU in Elementary Education and if she can do it, and my mother can do it, then when I get home I can do it.
My testimony of my Savoir Jesus Christ has increased so much!! President Monson's talk on obediance really inspired me to be obedient--I know that it is the key to salvation and the perfect example of obedience is Jesus Christ.
I hope you all enjoyed Conference and this week as much as I have. Always increase your faith for it is true power!!
Have a good week and good luck!!
Love you tons
Sister Jenkins

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