Monday, May 27, 2013

Hey Everyone!
Wow what a week it has's been a very interesting week at that.  In fact this email might just be a little shorter then usual.  This week we got an awesome new companion!! Sister Zemp...I told a little bit about her in my last email, but she is awesome:)  She is from Canada and I love this girl.  We are def going to be friends after the mission!  She has such a strong spirit and brings so much into our companionship.  I love the age change!! The perspective on Sister Missionaries is so good now!...Not that it wasn't's just even better.  We spent Wed (our first official day together as a companionship) just like a regular missionary day.  Then that night we play soccer together as a ward (it's supposed to be a finding activity).  So I went out to play...I love soccer!  I'm not good at it but I love playing it because it lets me run.  Anyways...I thought I could be professional and try to do some weird move over the ball..ummmm bad idea! I fell right on my ankle and instant pain when through my foot!  The whole ward was around me and I felt so dumb but all I could do was cry.  Sister Keyes, Zemp, and I all had to go to the St. Dominic Hospital in Jackson and we didn't leave until 1 a.m.  I felt successful still haha because i was able to bear my testimony to a nurse and share with her a scripture Ether 12:27 where weak things become strong if they humble themselves before the lord.  Haha I only shared it with her one cause I was on drugs..and 2 because she had to redo my cast 3 times.  I don't really think this sweet nurse knew what she was doing.  It was a great experience.  However, this week has been different.  It's a miracle in itself that Sister Zemp got put with us Tuesday and this event happened on Wednesday.  Now because of this awesome trio...Keyes and Zemp are able to go out in the field and work while I get babysat by a ward member.  I love my ward so much!! I am going to be so sad when I have to leave it. 
Everyone has been so nice and kind.  Its honestly been really hard for me to accept all this help from everyone.  Especially my two amazing companions.  I get to be with a ward member everyday this week.  I love the families here and each one makes me feel as if I am home.  I remember when I first got to Clinton I was so overwhelmed with the ward and wanted to get to know everyone.  Well, now things are different!! I know everyone's names as if it were natural and I don't want to leave.  I love the people in Clinton they are my home away from home.  The mission is amazing and instead of doing missionary work dealing with finding...I get to do missionary work for the members and that's good enough for me.  I am a firm believer that everything truly does happen for a reason and I know that this incident happened for a reason and I am to learn greatly from it.  It's been such a roller coaster of a week that I am very anxious to heal soon and get back to working even harder.  This gospel is amazing!  This is the only way to eternal happiness.  I strive to always keep the lord first in my life and the lord is truly molding me into the woman he needs me to be when I get home.  I love y'all so much!! Thank you for the great support. 
Talk to you next week.
Love Sister Jenkins

Elder Jemmett and I.

Elder Green going home:(

Me and Sister Zemp!

Going to the hospital.

Brooke and Brianna gave me a gift! Love these two.

Me and Sister Richards.

Me before the accident...

Jenni and Me:)

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