Monday, September 2, 2013

Hey everyone!
Okay so this week was really good!! Transfers were here and I love my new companion!  Her name is Sister Welch and she's adorable.  Such a good missionary and we are ready to really kill it here in Hattisburg this transfer.  The new district is good--apparently we are currently the largest district in the mission. 
Soo...on transfer day it rained a ton!  Man...oh man I love the rain.  We ended up dancing in the rain.  Then I promised myself I wouldn't go back out even if it rained again because literally we get soaked within 10 seconds of just standing in the rain.  Well...what do you know it down poured right after I met Sister Welch and well....of course I can't just stay inside so I went outside and danced in the rain!!  It was so much fun--then we played water volleyball in the church parking lot.  Okay soo it really wasn't like legit water volleyball but hey it was fun. 
Anyways--this week we hope to have a baptism coming up!! It will be great.  We were able to get Sister Welch a bike this week and we rode bikes all day Friday  It was good because the weather here has been great this last week!  The day we rode bikes I think the lord was seriously blessing us because last time we rode bikes it was so extremely hot I nearly passed out at an investigators home.  But this day was wonderful!! Couldn't have been more blessed and I was so thankful. 
I really love my new companion.  She is a great teacher and when she speaks I feel like she is helping me rather then me helping her.  She is so calm and understanding--she listens to the people and I am so excited to see where her mission takes her. 
Friday was a really good day.  We went to go visit a ward member in this apartment complex and we bikes a long ways away.  But when we got there, she wasn't even home!! So I got "intense" I guess haha.  I instantly started knocking on every door in that hall way of apartments, "Someone will let us in I know it." I kept telling myself that over and over again because I know no effort is wasted.  Well...the first 3 doors I knocked on, no one let us in.  Finally a lady opened her door and she instantly said come in.  She's not interested sadly but it was such a good discussion with her.  She's the sweetest lady and I love her.  We are excited to go back and visit with her again. 
This week we also went to a roller derby to support a ward member.  WOW!! I really didn't even know roller derby's were real haha.  I know there's a movie about it or something but heck this sport is legit!  The Elders were way into it made me laugh hard.  But it's a cool sport and apparently it's in Utah too.  Attention to my friends...go to a roller derby you won't regret it. 
Anyways..the work is progressing here.  I can't thank my Heavenly Father for sending me here and giving me the prompting to come on a mission.  I repeat over and over in my head that this mission has literally saved my life.  It's because it has!!  The person I once was vs the person I am now are completely different.  I want different things in life and I know that the lord will direct my every step.  It's that burning within my bosom I must follow. Note to everyone...plan...but don't make a plan perfectly and expect to follow that plan to a T.  Because guess what your plan will fail!!  Jacob 4:10 "Seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand."  Anyways...I have a burning passion in my heart for this gospel and I want the world to know of it's truthfulness!
Y'all have a good week and be safe:)
Love always
Sister Jenkins

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