Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Alright y'all here goes another email!
This week hmmm well it was amazing!! Go figure? haha Monday we went to go and see the Raines for dinner and I love their house! Defiantly the most "homey" house I've been in since I've been here in Bogie Town. They were wonderful I really felt at home when we were there which I loved.
Tuesday was Sister Mygrants Birthday and well we defiantly celebrated:) I made some german pancakes for breakfast and watched her open her gifts. I'm glad she had a good day. Haha we even found this "super hero" Happy Birthday with Iron Man in the center just sayin y'all. It kinda was a must get.
Wednesday we went to eat dinner with Nanna and she wasn't feeling too well. We felt horrible mostly because we didn't know how to make her feel better. Thankfully when we got there we said a prayer with her and she said, "I'm feeling better already". Then Brother Landrum came by and gave her a priesthood blessing. You know I've been around Elders so long that sometimes I forget the ward members can give blessings too!! Being in Bogie Town there is no Elder missionaries so we rely on our priesthood holders a lot for blessings. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for always being there. That night we taught Book of Mormon class. It's actually a really good sized class!! In Clinton our Book of Mormon class usually fell through because no one really came but out here everyone comes haha I love it!! Everyone is so engaged in the scriptures as we read and I smile really big whenever I am able to witness all of these wonderful people learning about the scriptures with us.
Thursday we were able to teach Stella her first lesson!! She has a baptismal date and we are getting her ready. I love the Welch family haha I'm so weird when we go over to her house! Remember Tawny? Love that girl and miss her but she had this thing where she could Bawk like a chicken. Well, after practice I got it down. I totally did that at the Welch's home and they were all laughing soo hard!! It was funny I love making people laugh.
Friday we had the ward Thanksgiving dinner and well we showed up late. Which was fine the branch was just wondering where their girls were. Well, we were in Slidell at interviews with President. It was great I learn so much from that man every time I'm with him and he loves everyone. Before we were leaving into the interviews one of the AP's looked at Sister McDonough and asked, "I'm sure in marriage you've learned that you can't be selfish." Sister McDonough paused and said, "Well, I do know that President never thinks about himself ever." We all knew that to be true. He is such a wonderful example on how to be "Christ-like". Christ never thought of himself once. His #1 concern was us and our salvation. He died and was resurrected so that we all could live together one day.
The dinner was so fun!! When we finally got there they were all teasing us...but they had three plates ready for us. I love being in a branch!! I honestly have never felt so loved and accepted by anyone. The children were all there too!! Haha I ended up running around playing spies and hide and seek with them...go figure. This branch to me is family and they all are defiantly come as you are. I wish we all could be more like that.
Saturday we went and saw the Gill Family. Their two boys Keith and Alex are going to get baptized on the 21st!!! We are so excited. We are finally being let into their house and she's even feeding us tonight!! Miracles are happening I tell you and I firmly know it is because of our obedience, diligence, and faith with this area.
Sunday was amazing. I wish we could have a primary program every other month or something because the chapel was full!! all the chairs (not benches this is a branch remember)--were almost full. Half of the primary was non-members!! Isn't that amazing?! We have been working with some returning member families and all of them were there to support their children in the program. After the program I have never felt soo loved by children! They all rushed off the "stage" and were hugging us sisters. The program made me cry.....I love children so much. And it's true we must come unto Christ as a little child, completely pure of heart and full of love. Then not only that but Christian who's 14 wants to get baptized as well. He is cousins with Alex and Keith and they all are of youth age. They've been coming to church the last two weeks and have all decided for themselves they want to get baptized! So Alex, Keith, and Christian are getting baptized on the same day. Those three boys have my heart. Christian is amazing...he really does have an interest in this gospel. Yesterday during our lesson he looked at us and said, "sometimes I wonder if God is even there. How can I know if he is there?" His questions are simple and the truth is testified to him in his heart. Then Bro. Korkern started taking the boys around the church and three told them they want to be leaders someday. I was amazed. The parents even stayed all three hours because of these strong faithful young men. They will all be wonderful priesthood holders someday and it's them that's getting their parents back to church.
Next yesterday night we were at Sister Slades house and asked Rayne if she wanted to be baptized. Her answer was yes!! So her baptismal date is set for the 7th and we are getting her ready.
I wanted to cry the entire day...I can't believe the wonderful Miracles that are happening here. There is so much potential with this area and it's all started with the returning members in the branch and their children helping them come back. The heart of the branch to me is the children. The parents who are working on coming back are super supportive of them and their decsions especially the youth deciding to get baptized.
Then while we were tracting yesterday the second door we knock on a lady lets us in. She said, "God has sent you to me. He knows I needed him at this time and you three angles are an answer to my prayers." A lot has been going on in this lady's life and she needs Christ back in her life. By the end of the lesson she said, "I promise you I will read this book and come to church next week. It's what I want." We know she'll be there too. There's a lot going on and she needs Jesus Christs true church restored back on earth to help her life. Then the next door another lady who has a "mormon friend" let us in and was completely interested in coming to church! What is happening!! I am just in awe at the progression this town is making!! My heart is so full of joy and I can't express the gratitude I have in my heart for Heavenly Father making all of this possible and softening the heart of the people.
Not only that but last night "officer Roy" our police man protector called us and invited us over for dinner at the police station! haha so we went and it was so fun! We went through the building took pictures, felt like we were in a movie, and ate with the police men who cooked for us in their kitchen in the police department. We had corn bread, pork chops, spagetti, egg custard pie and they even gave us candy. Haha they are looking after us so much and worry about us. We know that if we go tracting at night we have nearly have of the Bogalusa police on our side if anything happens:)
Man what a week y'all. The lord is changing me, he's changed my life for eternity, and his hands are changing oh so gently this area. There is so much happiness and hope that hasn't been in this area for awhile. Through the branches efforts, our obedience, planning, diligence and faith we will continue to work with the lord in gathering Israel. I love my mission!! Thank you all for your support. I know with out a single doubt this is truly the church of Jesus Christ himself. It's true all of it, I witness it and declare it to everyone I know it's true. We are all children of God and he loves us all equally. Let us continue to work together in helping him with our hands. Let our words and works continue to glorify him.
Y'all have a good week! Happy thanksgiving I love you!!
Love Sister Jenkins 


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