Monday, December 30, 2013

Hey everyone!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!  and to my best friend Nicole congrats on the engagement!! I am sooo happy for you and I love you it's about time:)  Well this week was awesome.  I hmmm got to talk to my family woot!
Christmas eve was really fun.  I had something different for dinner that I've never had before!  I ate duck for Christmas Eve dinner people.  It wasn't half bad though.  I mean, I'm not going to just start cooking duck for Christmas dinner when I get home.  I'm just saying I ate it:)  But before dinner we went to Ms. Fae's house and she was adorable.  She looked at us and asked if we were going to come over for dinner on Christmas.  Sadly we had to tell her no because we had other appointments and she got really sad.  I looked at her and said, "Ms. Fae are you a little upset with us?"  She said, "yes I want to see y'all tomorrow."  Then I told her we all wanted to talk with our families and she was totally fine after that haha family always comes first!   Well, after that the Spinks came to get us and we went over to their house for some "turdunken" don't even know how to spell it but it's a duck fried inside of a turkey yum:)  I'm not in the south or anything.  But I loved being with that family.  Sister Spinks made us all dream catchers for Christmas and they were beautiful.  Well, that night we all brought the mattresses out in front of the Christmas light and well we watched some D & C videos and then fell asleep and it was Christmas!  It was great.  So Christmas morning, I got my companions nerf guns.  PARTY!  Jk...not sure if that was the smartest idea or not because next thing I know when I was getting ready they are both in the bathroom shooting at me.
President Lux came to pick us up to take us to Popluarville and it was such a good Christmas.  What a blessing!  Being able to talk with my family made my day. Christmas this year was different cause I looked at it in a whole new perspective.  Reflecting truly only on the life of Christ and how joyous the occasion of his birth was.  I am in awe at how much more I know Jesus Christ.  This time of year is so wonderful because the spirit of Christmas is truly the spirit of Jesus Christ.
Well, after Christmas it was back to the regular missionary schedule!  Wahoo. But the day after Christmas wasn't bad--I mean a little discouraging but still not horrible.  We were able to eat at the Workmans house and man do I love those children!! Haha I walked in and one of their little boys wanted me to start playing "hunting" with him.  So I played...for like an hour while Sister and Brother Workman talked to my companions and made dinner.  Haha well, during dinner this adorable little boy says, "hey you girl! you are sitting right here in the same chair as me."  Basically I've made yet another little best friend out here all we did was play.
So after the day after Christmas well missionary life was really really back to normal haha.  We went and saw the Atkins family and taught them the Plan of Salvation well guess what!! They are getting Baptized on Jan 11th!! It might be pushed back...but honestly this family is amazing.  They came to the Christmas social, the baptism, and they have come to church the last two weeks.  So the Lords hand is definatly in everything that we do and I am so thankful for it!
But over all it was a really good week.  I'll write more next week I'm outta time this week!! LOVE YOU
Love Sister Jenkins

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