Monday, January 27, 2014

Hellllooooo everyone that I love in Utah.
Sooo this week kinda crazy--1st off I know y'all were worried but we survived the not even centimeter of snow that was on the ground. I mean, it shut down practically every buisness around but hey we survived. I mean we even managed to drive around and still make our appointments. The south makes me laugh I love these people so much--Utah and here are two completely different worlds. We had two baptisms! Wahoo!! But before we go into the details of that, we'll start with Monday.
Monday was an awesome pday. We went to picayune to be with our district. Last district pday was nearly 2 months ago and not gonna lie it was kind of lame. But this one was great. We went to Bro. Gills property played Frisbee, volleyball, and had a huge bon fire!! I even got to play an organ Bro. Gill revived and it was an amazing experience. In fact the organ hadn't been played since his mother passed away in 02'. He asked me to play "God be with You Till We Meet Again" when I started to play he was just crying. He even called up his Sister so she could listen to me play. It was an interesting and antique organ. It actually was one of those pump organs that you have to continually move the foot pedals in order for it to make sound. But I was thankful for the opportunity. After I got finished playing he came up to me and shook my hand over and over saying thank you. "That organ has never been played that well in all it's years and it's been all over this state. Thank you it's been a blessing to listen to you play." I felt honored and grateful that I was able to do that. So thanks Mom for teaching me how to play! That night we seriously had a huge bon fire. Probably the biggest bon fire I've ever seen. I thought in Utah we had big bon fires, nope clearly, I mean clearly I was wrong. People down south know what's up!
Well Tuesday (now y'all better not freak out) but my companions and I kind of got into a car crash ( I wasn't the one driving surprisingly enough) but it was scary. However, it was a small accident, it was just a little fender bender. But man, when we crashed you would have thought it was bigger then it really was!--The Mayor of Bogalusa was the first one on the scene, then an ambulance showed up (which wasn't needed at all), then two cop cars, and everyone was so nice by pulling over asking if we needed help. But basically there went our day. We called Elder Edwards and he called President. We were expecting not to have a car for the rest of the week and all of a sudden Elder Edwards called saying, "Okay Sisters, President knows y'all can't really get by without a car so I'm bringing you a new one in the morning." I mean of course that was perfect!! But I couldn't help but think, "Too bad real life isn't like this." Oh hey yeah I just got in a car crash....OH you did!! No worries we'll bring you a brand new car in the morning. Hahahah yeah right. You know Gods hand is in all things in his work and nothing especially a fender bender will stop the work from progressing! We spent most of the time with Pam and getting Stella prepared for her baptism that happened on Saturday.
Wednesday morning....sure enough the door bell rang I walked out to the carport and there was a car sitting there. I was like bah!! Why can't this be like life at home hahaha it just cracks me up cause that will never ever happen to me again!! But I enjoyed the sight while I could. But (don't panic), I am now the current driver. Ya! I need lots of prayers here people you know my driving past. But the Lord will protect as long as I'm good!! I mean I was a good driver in Hattiesburg so lets hope and pray for the best here. Wednesday night a miracle happened!! Our ward had it's first ward counsel in nearly 3 years. I was in awe!! Watching it take place under the direction of the stake presidency was a sight to see. My heart was so full of thanks that I couldn't help but have watery eyes. President Silas was there (my Hattiesburg Bishop) and I went up to him thanking him from the bottom of my heart for coming. The Branch is truly coming along and the work is seriously hastening. We actually had a really cool lesson on Sunday about the Hastening of the work. In the World Wide Training that happened back in May or June something like that, Elder Nielson said that the "Hastening to the Work" is as big as 1. The first Vision 2. The restoration of the gospel 3. The coming forth of the Book of Mormon. Oh my heck...I never have really thought about it until the Sunday school lesson given by our stake president. What an honor it is to be here!! We are a part of one of the greatest events of our churches history. The Lord has saved and chosen us to come down and help him gather all the ends of the earth. It's truly an honor.
Thursday was great--we went and saw a lot of people but it was just a normal working day. We went and taught an investigator who is actually sincerely interested in the gospel. He is returned from the army and he is trying to find something more for his life. He feels like God wants him to do more with his life he's just not sure what that is. We told him that as long as he listens to us and keeps his commitments he'll discover what it is the Lord wants him to do. We also saw Miss Jannett. Oh my goodness this woman is the sassiest woman alive! I love it, I consider her my true southern experience. I always feel like I'm in a movie when we talk to her. That night we went to the Freemans for dinner. We talked a lot about rescuing those that are lost and finding those that need to be found. Then Sister Mygrant shared a scripture Alma 17:11 that fit perfectly with being an example to bring them into the fold. Then all of a sudden Brittney says, "Oh my gosh, that was the exact same scripture I wanted to share with y'all!!" This experience increased my testimony of listening to the spirit always it'll always lead you regarding what to say.
Friday was transfer calls--Sister Mygrant is heading to Minden, Louisiana. Sister Baker is heading to El Durado, Arkansas. I am staying here and getting Sister Bailey. I'm excited for the change but I really will miss these two amazing missionaries. They have touched my life in more ways then one and I couldn't be more thankful for their positive attitudes and loving hearts. It's sad to see them go but, such is life and missionary work must go on. Everyone looks at change as a bad thing...but I look at it as a good thing!! When change happens we are progressing and listening to the Lord. Change can be scary and breaking traditions can seem like a bad thing. But leaving our comfort zone is when we learn and grow the most. That I have a sure testimony of.
Saturday was the baptisms of Stella and Cindy. They both went really well and it's such a blessing to be able to witness the first step to salvation. It's funny because sometimes we tend to think that after baptism our job as missionaries but I am learning more and more that it's not the end at all!!! Baptism is only the beginning of an eternal commitment! Baptism is when we are born of Christ and we commit to follow him all our lives, representing him at all times, and doing all we can to follow his example. The ward was all there and it was a beautiful sight to see--from the time I got to this area to now it's amazing to see all that has happened and is going to continue to happen.
Sunday was branch conference. I made a macaroni salad (the one Mom makes) a little dry but whatever I'm trying here people. My future family would be so proud. But there was so many people the chapel was nearly full!! The last time that happened was the primary program, but the primary program happened to get those baptisms and activate a lot of these children's parents. Christian is continuing to pass the sacrament and I am so happy for him every time he does. What a young leader in this church. Keith and Alex will hopefully be receiving the priesthood here soon enough.
But wow what a week! I am excited to meet my new companion so that we can really work together with this branch. Anyways--y'all be good now ya here?! Keep the faith and try all you can to accomplish the mission the Lord has for each and everyone of us.
I love you lots.
Love Sister Jenkins

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