Monday, March 24, 2014

Hey everyone!!
Soo, this week was one of those weeks where it seemed as if it was never going to end. But, it did not that that's a good thing, but it did end. It was a crazy week. We got a new sister in the area. Her name is Sister Ray and I love her. She's a fantastic missionary and she loves the Lord with all of her heart. So, I guess we'll start with Tuesday this week yeah? Cool.
Well, we went to Hattiesburg to pick up Sister Ray and we were their for most of the day. I wasn't very hungry at all mostly cause it was weird to be back in a place that I love soo much. Oh the memories of Hattiesburg, I wasn't hungry because I was nervous to be back. However, I felt at home. Don't get me wrong I love Bogie Town but, I just feel attached to Hattiesburg and it's probably just because I opened the area. Well, we managed to get our new companion. However, the Zone Leaders were having a change in their companionship and one of the companions totally forgot they had the phone! So he asked us to keep the phone and give it to the new Elder coming to the area. So, not only can we barely keep track of one phone, now we have two phones. Can you predict what happened? Bogalusa is about an hour and a half away from Hattiesburg. We went to lunch with a bunch of other missionaries and decided to start driving back to Bogie Town. Literally we get 20 miles away from Bogalusa and all of a sudden we realized we had the Zone Leaders phone only. Go figure, we frantically call our phone thankfully someone had it. We had to drive back to the burg to get this phone.
The ZL's really needed the phone (no kidding) so we had to stay the night in Picayune so that they could pick it up. We just went to district meeting the next morning but still was a frantic hassle. My nerves weren't helping anything either. But, hey y'all we went nearly 300 miles this day and I didn't crash once be proud. Why I am driving, sometimes I don't know haha but keep me in your prayers. However, we're a little low on miles. Okay a lot, but it's okay we've found rides everywhere and life it good. I kept laughing at the whole situation. Roll with the punches and laugh it off when there is nothing else you can do. In the end, the ZL's got their phone back, so did we, and we made it to Bogalusa the next day just fine.
Phew that was a mouthful. Now as far as the week goes...solid. We have a couple of new investigators and most of the week was us going to members homes so Sister Ray could meet them. In church we had 3 investigators and Wade is solid!! Elect for sure. He came to church and said he would defiantly be back. He loved the feeling, he also said that he has always had a soft spot in his heart for the Mormon church.
Watching the boys who have all recently been baptized pass the sacrament is the best sight in the world to see. I have hope for this area. I know that it can continue to grow and change. Sister Ray says that she feels like she is finally in an area that is well established and is ready to have new members enter into it. Well, that's how I feel too, this area is ready. I know that miracles happen. I just know that they do. I have witnessed to many not to know. Everyday I witness a small miracle and it's a blessing. But, when you think about it, you don't just have to witness miracles just as a missionary. I look back on life at home and everyday there was a small miracles that happened. I think that when we take the time to really reflect on the positive small miracles that happen daily we recognize the Lord's hand a lot more. My heart especially is full of nothing but thanks.
Honestly though, the week was great. One of the longer weeks for some reason. But it was great the Lord is so merciful and I know he hears every word that I pray at night. Please enjoy life and take each day one at a time. Sometimes I find that when I'm constantly wishing for the future to happen I fail to recognize what's right in front of me. What's currently around me and in my life at this very moment is what's most important. Anyways y'all be good, work hard, play hard.
Love always Sister Jenkins

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