Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Yes, the theme of this email is--be a fighter so I invite y'all to read on:)
Sooo much has happened.  It's been a week full of the most joy, but also heartbreak.  We'll just start from the beginning.
Monday we had an amazing lesson with one of our new investigators and she is sooo ready to be baptized.  There are some trials she will have to overcome for this to actually happen.  But, she will overcome because she is ready.  We get to teach her this upcoming Thursday.  She is in my constant prayers, this woman is such an amazing example and has an amazing story.
Tuesday a lot happened. Funny stories to tell for when I'm home that's for sure.  But basically we saw a couple of potential investigators.  We ran into a man with a very interesting last name!!  Haha it's Kropog....but he says," Oh my name is go pork spelt backwards, not going to lie, I wanted to laugh that entire door approach.  We saw Wonda and it's so cute because now Wonda is to the point where when she sees our car she just comes out to the door.  Her mother recently passed away so we were able to really talk about the plan of salvation with her.  Oh my and this day when we were tracting, I am usually so determined to talk to everyone that sometimes I don't know what is coming out of my mouth.  This time wow, I felt dumb.  We walked up to this guy, sometimes you can feel when someone is clearly not elect and not going to take any of the lessons.  This guy was one of those people.  So from the beginning I was stuttering over my words.  Then he politely told us he wasn't interested.  While we were walking away I basically raised my voice and said, "Jesus loves you!"  he replied, "Well, yeah Jesus loves everybody."  my last chance to really leave an impression and say something that would prick his heart seemed like a failure, but was it?.....yeah..yeah it was;)
We also saw a woman named Gail and I had no idea that she was a teacher for over 30 years!! But, she was:)  Because of my mother I was slightly able to talk school with her.  I've officially decided, teachers all have to have this certain personality.  My Mom, she is this go getter teacher.  She doesn't take crap, she loves the children, and does her job.  Gail said, "All of us teachers are just teachers because we never grew up, that's why we connect with children so well:)"  I was just thinking of the amazing relationship I have with my Mom.  You put us in any social situation and we are joined at the hip.  We are the children;)  She is such a wonderful example of the future teacher/ leader I someday want to become.
Oh my and then multiple times this week the farm girl came out in me.  Sometimes I think it shocks my companions because evidentially I don't seem like the type.  But, when those moments come out I see them smile.  Then we all get in the car and they start singing "farmers daughter."  You know what, I am so thankful that I am a farmers daughter.  Really, I take pride in that.  I've learned so much from him about working hard.  I always surprise people when I start talking "farm" language to them!  Especially my companions.  I rarely talk about the farm (unless I'm telling stories about my childhood) with my companions.  But the other day President Lux was asking me all these questions about the farm and I was just answering like it was no big deal.  Afterwards Sister Ray says, "Who are you?" hahahaha it kind of made me laugh.  I love it, I love the childhood I was blessed with and I love watching that child come out in me, not going to lie the more I'm out here the more that girl comes out which takes me right back to the country.
Now heres my tangent about General Conference and things I learned. 
General Conference was amazing.  I received so many answers to my questions.  Even though it was one of the more emotional General Conferences I've attended.  I know that as a missionary there are some answers that I will not receive because I am a missionary and those answers are to be answered when I get home.  My focus is where I am currently and the people I am serving.  However, I believe a direction was given.  Elder Zwick of the 70 came to our mission a couple of months ago and spoke to us.  His talk was all about communication!  I felt this was strongly an answer to my prayers.  Communication regarding any relationship ever is key,  it's key with our investigators, friends, and loved ones.  The question that he stated stood out, "What are you thinking?"  So, regarding to affairs at home and the future I decided not to ever be mad.  I can't be mad or upset.  I need to see things from the other persons point of view.  I need to understand where they are coming from before I am rash to judge or make haste decisions that could ruin a good relationship.  Something that I've been saying a lot lately is, "Know your facts."  Get the facts before you make a decision.  Communication is truly key!  Even if communication can be hard and difficult just hang on to the hope that someday the right words will be able to come out and all will be will.  The best way to figure out what is going inside a persons mind is to as them.  If the time isn't right, the right time will come and all will be well.
I also loved Elder Uchtdorf's talk on a thankful heart.  BE Thankful!! even in the hardest situations.  At the time my heart was hurt due to other things, but I had to look at the positives even though they are sometimes hard to find.  However, when you start with one thankful thing, it's hard to stop.  Even though a thankful heart can't make the situation disappear it certainly eases your burden.
Then, (sorry I could go all day) I loved the talk about "Following-up" by Elder Ballard.  It defiantly applied to missionary work I agree.  But, I also related this to at home things.  Think about it, if we follow up with things that we want (just like he did) we will get what we want or desire in the end.  If you want something a dream or anything, GO for it!!  Nothing is holding you back and the Lord will provide a way always if it's a righteous desire.  Follow-up with yourself, with a person, with a situation, and keep trying.  Nothing is ever to late.
It's never to late to start over, repent, heal wounds, love, and be a different person in Jesus Christ.
This conference gave me so much hope for my mission now and the future.  Never assume, get the facts.  So, someday I plan to get the facts and follow-up with my dreams.  As Nike's mottos says, "Just do it."  I will watch me.
We are all fighters, in our own way.  The Lord doesn't give us anything that we can't handle.  If there is one thing I've learned from my mother and father it's to fight.  Fight for your loved ones, fight for your dreams, overall fight for the Lord.  Choose the right always, make Jesus Christ and his atonement the center of your lives.  I know he is the center of mine, I vow to never back track from all that I am learning out here.  "A man having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, isn't fit for the kingdom of God."  Luke 9:62  Yes, look back on your dreams, but don't look back on your mistakes.  But, don't mistake an action for a mistake.  If it was never a mistake, there is no need to look back.
Anyways, a lot learned!! I love conference so much!!  It was a great week.  Sorry to go off on a tangent y'all. But, I had to speak what I am feeling and thinking lately!
I love you all so much!
Love always Sister Jenkins

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