Wednesday, July 31, 2013

We played princesses yesterday:)  she was Princess Gazelle and I was the princess from Tangled (according to her) to bad my hair is soo slow to grow!

sad...long...hard...biking day but in the end it was all good!

I fell off my bicycle....

Melissa Burton!! I finally got to meet her Sunday!!

Mhmmm...I can't see Iron Man...but I sure as heck can put his mask on:)
Here is my district!

My comp and I:) Love this girl...
First and foremost....HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my baby sister!  Carissa is the big 16 sooo boys...she's available, but if you break her heart I will pray for a rain cloud to follow you all day!  Okay so once again I had a really good week.  I feel as if my emails are so repetitive--but really every week on the mission is a great week.  I really love my area and things seem to be picking up really well.  Sometimes I wonder why time has to fly by so fast, but it always seems to do so.  We have been doing a lot of service this week mostly.  People are moving in and from the ward so quickly.  Husbands are getting jobs, USM is starting up again here pretty quick, and well yeah the missionaries are the moving service and I really love it because we have fun while we work. 
Anyways--Soo we have a really good teaching pool and I love it.  We had to ride our bikes everywhere this week because well of miles.  Sadly we refuse to go over on miles and well we don't know our area all that well.  Put the two together and we use a lot of miles so with six miles left we have been riding our bikes all over Hattisburg.  Not only are we short of miles (only 3 days left) but it was the Elders week for the car.  So we are some in shape Sisters!! 
Probably my favorite service of the week was when we had to help Jerry plant flowers in the morning.  Not only were we able to plant flowers with her, but we were able to finally teach her!  The Elders had our area before we got here and were developing a really good friendship with her.  Well now that there is a friendship she allowed us to help and then teach her.  It was a great morning. 
A lot of really powerful experiences happened this week and it was to a point were I literally felt like I was on a spiritual hangover the next day....literally it was this overwhelming feeling of happiness and it brought me to my knees.  All I have to say is that the priesthood is real.  It has been restored and I know that the priesthood is something I can never ever live without.  I am so thankful that I have had a father who has always been worthy of holding that priesthood power.  It has meant the world to me and has changed my life as I witness that divine power and authority at home and out here on the mission.  I am so thankful for the men in this church that respect that priesthood and are always worthy of it.  It is them that I aspire my husband to be like. 
Basically my testimony continues to grow.  I don't have a lot to say this week other then bear my testimony like always.  I am now playing the organ for the Hattisburg ward and it's great.  I love music with all my heart.  There's a song that's called "She put the Music in Me" by Calee Reed, Mom, I want to thank you for putting that music into my soul.  I know I am serving in Mississippi because the people are so full of passion when they sing and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I am full of passion, maybe the way I sing isn't the way they all sing out here...but I will say that music invites the spirit, it can make a sad day better, it can ease our sorrows, and some songs are answers to my prayers.  Music is an amazing thing and I have completely realized that the kind of music we listen to really affects the way we act. 
Anyways--sometimes I just go off on these tan-gins and I need to recognize when to stop.  Basically this week was a week full of blessings, service, and finding.  Missionary work is the best and we are all apart of it.  Well, I'm going to go but I hope everyone has a good week.  God Bless and know that you are in the prayers of a Sister serving in Mississippi.
Love Sister Jenkins

Earnshaw our ZL and me

Being weird!

Eating banana pancakes!

A tunnel we found during lunch.

Love these children!

I LOVE these shoes!

Williams and me:)

Being in the skit haha just laugh with me--The mustache is real

Call this the Storehouse Crew!

Hey Everyone!!
Man the more and more I am out here the more the weeks seem to keep flying on by.  I honestly don't really like it because I love this mission so much!  Well here's the usual weekly overview.  Monday we were able to eat with the Corona family.  I love them and the best part is Sister Corona is from Hyrum so she know exactly where I am from.  She doesn't know Uncle Steve though:( But oh well--there a newly wed and it was a good night of food and laughs.  They showed us their wedding pictures and one of her family members was never able to attend her wedding so they made a creepy cardboard cut out and it was hilarious!! This cardboard man is in all of their wedding pictures and I couldn't stop laughing the picture was so funny--Note to cardboard family members in any wedding pictures.
Tuesday--Sister Williams and I tracted quite a bit.  We were able to see Da-da and teach him.  We ran into a couple of really good potentials (not going to lie today I don't really know what to say in this email).  Oh wait I just thought of something!!  On a really bright note we tracted into a lady named Brenda--she has read the Book of Mormon and we have given her a baptismal date for Aug 17th!  She's a sweet lady, we are excited to continue to teach her and get to know her family better.  Tuesday night we were able to eat dinner with the Utah Sales wives:) As you are aware....a lot of people from Utah leave Utah for the summer to sale (I know a couple of y'all).  Anyways we have the best group in Mississippi and they are the cutest couples and I love them all! Since the husbands are out making the money all day--the wives are home and they invite us over to eat with them.  It's great haha I feel like I'm back at home with my girls.
Wednesday--Okay sooo today was funny.  The Elders went on exchanges....and it was a super rainy day.  Well--I thought of the song by Jack Johnson (Banana Pancakes)  apostate I know.  Then I really wanted Banana Pancakes.  Then I went down in the kitchen to see what we had and I ordered Banana Pancakes (pathetic I know).  Well...I may have ordered one to many so we decided to share them with Elder Andy and Earnshaw.  I thought it was finally a good time for me to prank the Elders.  So I told them that I made the pancakes.  An hour after they ate them...I couldn't hold my lie of I made the pancakes in any longer.  They freaked out at the fact that I ordered Banana Pancakes from IHop...yeah I can't believe I did that either.  But they loved them, we loved them and all was well.  They were good pancakes not going to lie.  
Friday was great we help with Bishops Storehouse every other week out here so Friday was Bishops storehouse.  Since Sister Williams and I couldn't observe "Thirsty Thursday" we had to ride bikes all day Friday including riding down one of the main roads.  But I think what was really cool was that our district was worried about the Sisters getting hurt on the highway (okay I would be worried too if I was witnessing Sister Jenkins riding a bike) so they all said a prayer for us and the power of prayer works, I know it does we were completely safe.  Not going to lie I laugh every time I ride a bike..we look so goofy and I love it.  The Elders always shout out the window at us (but we do the same back)...I just have never felt sooo hmmm unattractive?  Yep that's a good word...on my bike I do not feel attractive. Its kind of like those moments that you imagine are watching yourself from a far of what you are doing, and all you can do is laugh because just the picture of it is hilarious.  Oh and get this, we "The Sisters" wear helmets as you can see in pictures.  I find it funny that our Elders won't because they don't want to mess up their hair.  I feel like a goof ball but hey I love it and wouldn't have it any other way..
Saturday was a great day!!  We were able to meet with Tiffanie and her husband who we discovered was a member!!  They came to church on Sunday and it was great to have them both there.  Today we also met with Robin, but it wasn't Robin we actually met with.  Sister Williams and I were able to sing and play with her children the whole time and I love her children.  They have my heart and we taught them "Popcorn Bopping" and I sang a song I taught the 3 year olds I taught at USU they loved it!   We were able to get them excited about coming to church and learning about Jesus.  They were precious and such a huge stress relief.  Seriously nothing touched my heart more then watching the light children have in their eyes.  They are so innocent and precious and all they do is love.  I have never been hugged more by little children in all my life like I do out here.  It's such a blessing and I thank Heavenly Father everyday for it.  Saturday was also the Pioneer day activity for our ward.  Granted it's not Newton (which I really missed pioneer day is my favorite time of year in newton) but we had a lot of fun.  Williams and I were in charge of these stick horses that the children had to make.  I honestly didn't think any one would want to make them...boy was I wrong!  We were none stop making horses from 10:30-12.  Then after Anderson and I were in the ward skit.  Yep we "performed" in front of everyone and all I could do was laugh inside of course.  We sang "Pioneer Children" and I forgot the words besides "they sang as they walked and walked etc. Anderson just hummed the whole thing and I acted like I knew all the words.  Let's just say the skit was humor relief for me.  It was very cute and funny.  The children were the best part along with my pioneer dress.
Sunday is always the best day of the week to me.  We had a couple of investigators come to church and we had to teach the lesson.  I think the lesson went good.  I don't know for sure.  I am grateful for help from the members and the other missionaries.  I love this mission with all my heart.  I love teaching the gospel and I love the peace it brings into peoples lives.
This gospel is the way to salvation--I know that Jesus Christ loves each and everyone of us.  I know that Heavenly Father hears every word we pray.  I know we have angles walking with us and protecting us everyday.  I know that those who have been baptized in this church have the gift of the Holy Ghost the third member of the God head.  What a blessing to have that constant companionship.  I see my life changing and who I was isn't who I am now.  I love teaching this amazing news that the church has been restored and we have a Prophet.  I have always known these things are true.  I have always just known that we have a Prophet, that the Book of Mormon is true, that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer, I know that I am a virtuous daughter of God.  I know that my life has been eternally changed because of where I am at.  I couldn't be more thankful then I feel every time I email.  I miss home but know that the work is pressing forward and may we all be missionaries.  Stay Strong y'all--with God all things are possible.
Love you always
Love Sister Jenkins

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hey everyone!
Okay so this week has been really good--I finally feel like things in Hattisburg are starting to roll.  Sister Williams and I are really focusing on meeting the ward and finding new people to teach. 
Monday we went to visit Sister Low and honestly I was kinda freaking out the whole time because the area was really sketchy. was good:)  I loved that lady and the Elders have been really good in helping the ward members to know who we are. 
Tuesday we had a couple of really good lessons--I am now positive that talking to everyone is really one of the main keys to missionary work.  I mean even if I get a thought that I should talk to a person now I can't help but talk to them.  For example, Sister Willams and I were on our way to an appointment.  Well when we got there the guy we are teaching wasn't there.  So we drove away--while we were driving away we drove past this old beaten down shed and in it was a man eating some peanuts leaning up against his truck taking a break from work.  Well it was pouring rain and Mississippi pours when it rains..I didn't want to get out so I ignored the prompting.  Then as shes driving away I realized that if I don't say something to that man I would have a regret regarding this moment.  So I made her turn around so we could go talk to him.  He was a very interesting man, and he wasn't interested however I am so thankful that we did turn around because I knew that if I didn't I would have wondered. 
We have an awesome guy we are currently teaching his name is Da-da (its his nickname) and he is responding so well to what we are teaching.  He actually came out to us when we were tracting one day--we were able to teach him the restoration lesson right then and there.  Now we are in good contact and hopefully we will be able to see him for a third lesson this week.  We are also teaching another awesome man--We found Mr. Curtis when tracting but he was blasting his "soul" music for all to hear.   Well the neighborhood we are in is really run down (our area is a little rough) and this man is playing this great music.  So we went up introduced ourselves and had a nice talk about life.  He's a giant sweetheart and we have seen him a couple of times already. 
Wednesday we went on exchanges--basically here is what happened.  Get ready for a hilarious story people.  We now go on exchanges with our Sister Training Leaders and at the end of the day Sister Williams and I had to go to our dinner appointment.  The other sisters stayed at our apartment to cook dinner.  So while we were gone we told them we would be late and we got a response saying, "We'll be here:)"  We got to the apt. at 7:30...when we walked in they weren't there.  We looked everywhere thinking it was a joke and no one was there.  One sister was in the middle of a sentence in her journal and there was food (not cooking) still on the stove, they left their cell phone, keys, the back gate to our pad was wide open, the back door was unlocked and basically everything they would need even to go out for a walk was left.  I started to panic a little.  It's almost eight and they still haven't showed up.  We waited a little longer and then it started to get Sister Training Leaders anywhere and it's nearly been 40 min.  So I couldn't take it anymore.  We called the Elders--said a prayer together on the phone.  After the prayer honestly we all felt fine but the "Natural woman" in me kept panicking.  Soon--The ZL's got to the apt--talked to the police man next door and well the sisters were still missing!  Basically within 50 min I had gathered a small search party for these two (Jenkins and Thomision).  Then Elder Anderson was on the phone and said, "Sister Jenkins.....Elder Earnshaw and I have a really peaceful feeling."  Okay well I did too but still they weren't there!  I was a little panicked and it had been an hour.  The cop, us, and the Elders searched around the entire apt complex.  On the way back up to the apt--we hear someone yell, "There they are!"  Yep...our Sisters when 3 doors down to sit and give an hour or longer lesson with our neighbors but left everything and didn't even tell us where they were.  When we got inside I started crying in relief because I love all the missionaries out here so much.  I would be broken if anything happened to one of them and I didn't do all I could.  So by the end of the night all was good.  Haha wow what a story right?!  Nothing seems to change--crazy things always happen!
Thursday was a good day--Williams and I were able to tract a lot.  We rode our bikes all over Hattisburg and loved every second because it was a little breezy that's a good thing in the sticky humidity.  Honestly my hair has never stuck to my neck so bad in all my life.  I "glisten" so much out here.  Williams and I literally tried talking to everyone and we found a lot of new people to teach this week so we are really excited.
Friday-we gave this post man a Book of Mormon and asked if we could come teach him, he said yes.  He's a big guy and was in the army once before.  Well...we started to walk away and Williams says, "Jenkins...we've met him at the Lows before!  We met him this week!!"  Instantly I ran back...Adrianne...we've met you before?!"  "Yes m'am you have."  "You still want us to teach you?!"  "Yes m'am I do I'll see you soon."  Haha wow....dumb moment from Sister Jenkins..not even recognizing the man we met on Monday.  But what a blessing--the lord must really want him to be taught in order for him to see us twice in one week out of the whole city of Hattisburg.
Saturday we met a man named Jonny.  We met him when he was riding down the road in his automatic wheel chair.  He is paralyzed because he got hit by a car.  He went down to the store in this wheel chair to get a gallon of milk and on the way back we walked up to him.  We sat with him on his front porch and just talked and listened.  He was very receptive and he is so inspirational.  He was such a hard worker before he was paralyzed and now he relies on Heavenly Father to get him through everything.  He's from Jamaica and he has the best spirit about him.  It was one of my favorite moments of all time--he's a sweetheart.   He told us he loved us and wants us to come back--words every missionary loves to hear.
Sunday was great--Sister Williams and I spoke in church:)  I love this gospel so much!  Every time I bear my testimony it grows stronger and I love it.  I love feeling "born again" at the beginning of each week.  I love the fact I can repent and I love my Savior Jesus Christ.  I know he lives and I know that this work is what it's all about.  I want to stay a valiant soldier in this gospel forever.  I know it's the only true church on earth and I am so thankful I am serving as a full-time missionary. This mission has truly changed my life dramatically and in the best way possible for eternity.  I have so much to be thankful for.  I hope everyone back in Utah is doing great.  Remember that when you don't feel like you can pray that is when you need to pray the most!  I love you so much.  Philippians 4:13:)
Love you always!
Love Sister Jenkins
Well I didn't take any pics this this was this morning.
Picture from the wedding.

Historic down town hattisburg

It was a rough go...people thought I had chiggers.  I dont:)

I had so many bite marks from bugs I drew on my legs and connected the dots

I'm getting weirder carissa...sorry

..I'm getting the pinky?....really?!

don't ask why my skirt is the way it is....

The Barlows came and took us to raising Caines!:)

I love this girl y'all get to see her soon!

Church that was affected by the tornado.

I love them!!

Welcome to the new district! The elders wrapped up gifts and hid them all over our apt before we got there.

Happy 4th--as crazy as it gets;)

Happy 4th!  LOVE the District!

Dinner at Taco Bell!

we're...a little weird 4th of july!

Elder Bradshaw and Me!

Williams and me:)
Hey y'all!!
Wow!! What a week!--I literally say that every single week.  But it really is always a wow week.  It sounds like the 4th of July week was great for y'all. in the mission it was great too.  We are offically moved into our apartment.  We just got our beds this morning:)  It was great the Elders help and the Lefgrens really pitched in.  Anyways...opening an area is way different then just going into an area.  We (the sisters) have decided to car share with the Elders.  So we are going two weeks and then one week off.  So get the bikes ready because here we come.  Not going to lie this week I felt a little helpless as I didn't know exactly what to do.  But Sister Williams and I hung in there!  We met with the Bishop and wow we have a ton of work to do. 
Well we entered Hattisburg on Tuesday and we spent a lot of time tracting and just trying to figure out what exactly our area was.  When Thursday came we decided to make the most of our curefue.  So before 9:30 our district decided to play games up at the church.  While we were playing games Elder Palmer went into a seperate room to play the piano.  While he was playing he started hearing a Meow....meow in the rafters of the church.  So he comes rushing into the gym, "Guys there is a kitten in the attic of the church!"  Honestly we all thought he was a little crazy, but we all climbed up there to hear the sound of nothing.  When we all gave up and came back down five min later we all started hearing something meow.  Yep, Palmer was right there was a kitten up there!  How it got in the attic of the church we will never know.  Anyways, the kitten was clear on the other side and it was under the floor and there was no way one of us was going to climb to the other side to grab it.  That's way to dangerous.  So...being raised where I was, I had this secret talent of mine.  I knew I could get the cat to come our way but I felt so dumb doing it!  But there was no way I was going to let a baby kitten die in the attic of our church.  So...I let go of pride and started to do what I did as daddy's little farm girl--I started to Meow like a cat.  Seriously it still works the cat thought I was it's mother and a half hour and after a huge prayer, we were able to grab the cat and go.  Anyways yep haha there was the fourth of July for ya.  No fire works but a cat in the attic and a couple of games.  It was really fun.  I honestly loved it. 
Thursday we tracted and gave a couple of lessons.  The the peak of the week was going to church and finally meeting the ward!  It was great.  OH yeah on Friday we did Bishops store house.  That's a different experience--something that Clinton never had and it was great to be able to serve.  Anyways back to Sunday--It was great to meet the ward!  They are all so excited to have sisters back in the ward.  It's been a little over three years and the ward is so happy.  An hour before sunday school the Elders pulled us aside (Anderson and Kent) and told us that we were in charge of the lesson.  Um...okay yeah lets just whip out a lesson so we did--and the class was packed!!  I was honestly really nervous.  At the end of Sunday school I looked at the Elders and said, " my previous area that class was never that big."  Then they said, "Well, our class has never been that big either, normally we only have 3 people."  Yep, it was great the ward is super excited to have sisters and teaching the huge class was very intimidating but we did it.  The relief society is working to get our apartment furniture...we have nothing but it's okay!! Sister Williams and I had fun, but we truly appreciate all the work that's being put into our apt.  I honestly love the ward already and I know that the work here is going to excel as we work hard having faith, charity, and hope.  I find it crazy that the lord really does have such a perfect plan for each and everyone of us.  This mission has meant the world to me and I have learned things I could have never learned any other way.  I am started to see things in a different light and I am nobody else but myself.  If anything this mission has helped me to learn to love the way I am.  I don't have to be anybody else but myself--as long as I work hard having an eye single to the glory of god, I know that things at home will be different.  I am not the first to say it but even the missionaries out here see it when they see previous pictures of who I was.  They look at me and say, "yeah I looked at those pictures and that's not even who you are anymore.  You still got the personality but its not are yourself."  One of the Elders said, "Sister Jenkins I've never seen you so happy."  Well, that's because I have never ever in my life been so happy. hair is no longer the blond haha but I have never been happier with who I am and I love it.  The lord is molding me into the person I need to be--I am merely clay in his hands.  I couldn't feel more blessed.  I must say I love my district!!  The elders in it are so funny!  Sister Williams and I already claim them as our brothers and we are a family.  This new mission age change is doing wonderful things.  I've been studying a lot about faith.  In Ether chapt 12 it talks about how Miracles don't produce faith, our faith produces miracles.  I encourage all to read it.  Anyways--I am lost in the work! I love it--y'all be good now this week! Until next week,
--Love always Sister Jenkins

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July Week 1

Hey Everyone!
Okay wow what a week--I got a new call and I have been officially transferred.  I am training again and opening a new area.  We are the first set of sisters in the Hattisburg ward and my new companion is Sister Willams  she is from Syracuse Utah and she is going to USU!  We know we have met before but not sure where.   I feel so blessed to be able to train her and serve with her.  She seems like and amazing missionary already.
So this week a lot has happened.  The trio basically knew we would be getting split up sooo we had been preparing ourselves.  President called on Tuesday to tell us where we all were going.  Then the rest of the week we worked and got ready to leave.  This is my 1st transfer in 6 months it feels weird! I can't believe 6 months of my mission has already flown by! I have loved every second and I am so grateful for every chance I have to be out here. 
On Sunday I was able to speak about being Charitable to yourself.  It was a good experience.  Except for the fact I didn't know that there were 3 speakers!  So I prepared a 15 min talk.  Then when that went by haha I was talking still! mouth sometimes I don't know when to be quiet.  But Bro. Kelly tapped me once....well I blew it off thinking it was a bug or something tapping my arm.  Then the 2nd time he tapped me I turned around and he said, "Sister Jenkins, It's time to go."  Embarrassed I turned to the congregation and said, "'s time to go!"  haha gosh I am ridiculous sometimes.    Anyways....saying bye to the Clinton ward was hard but change is a good thing and I couldn't be more excited to be serving in Hattisburg.  I already love it.  My district is awesome and so is my companion.  Zemp, Keyes, and I and a couple of other missionaries are planning on running ragnar at home!  I can't wait to really run when I get home. 
Anyways...random note I know but, I know without a doubt that the lords hand is in all things.  Monday we went to say goodbye to Bro. Kynerd,  When we walked in the nurse that was there started crying and said, "I have never felt anyone's joy as strongly as yours and I never want this feeling to leave you have truly touched my life."  Then the three of us were able to sing to the Kynerd family and the ladies that were there.  It was a blessing to watch that we had to go to Bro. Kynerds house at that specific time in order to touch that ladies heart.  Now Sister Zemp in staying in Clinton and will get the privilege to teach Danielle. 
Today has been a good day--there is so much to do!! Opening and area is big and I am excited to get to see the ward.  I am so sorry this email is so short but I have a new address
300 N. 38th Ave
Apt #2
Hattisburg MS
Y'all are so amazing and I give props to my parents for finishing their job with the trek this year!!  I am so blessed to have been raised in Newton to be in the wonderful Benson stake.  I love this gospel with all my heart and I can't wait to get started here in Hattisburg.  Everyday is a blessing remember that. 
I love you!
Sister Jenkins

My new comp---Sister Willams.