Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hello hello Everyone. Happy pday!
Soo this week was crazy---but such a good one. It was non-stop with lessons which is what we want obviously.
Tuesday we were on exchanges with Sister Johnson and Cotrell. It was really effective and we got a lot of work done. Sister Johnson and I had some solid lessons and they nearly brought me to tears. Basically we taught Jake and he is a retruning member that is making his way back to church. His heart was on his sleeve because of his family and all he wants is the best for them. Well, the spirit was so strong in this lesson and he came to Book of Mormon class as well as chruch this Sunday and he looked better. The atonement, the gospel, Jesus Christ are going to get him through any trial he faces. Then we went to Beth's house. Unfortunatly she wasn't even there because she was in the hospital. Well, we went to go see her in the hospital, the sight of her nearly broke my heart! She needed us there. We sang to her and told her she will get though this hard time. I know she'll be fine at first I didn't think so but after we prayed with her I knew that the Lord was going to spare her a little longer. We went to teach Stella and "role-played" with her to ask her mom to help her get a ride to church. Sure enough she was at church on Sunday and we are still working on getting a baptismal date for her.
Wednesday we went to teach Cindy who was (at this point) for sure getting baptized on the 8th. She is ready. We went and taught Ms. Fae and wow I have such a strong testimony of sharing the first vision. The spirit was so strong as we shared the first vision in this lesson. In fact at the end of quoting the vision there were tears in her eyes and she said, " I know it's true." The converting power of the spirit and how it teaches truth. It was an amazing lesson and I know that the first vision is such a powerful tool in inviting the spirit right away.
Later that night we had to go into wal-mart because Sister Mygrant was feeling sick. Well, while we could see Sister Mygrant getting her medicine, Baker and I decided to go over to the cards. We just so happened to find a singing one that we loved and well we may or may not have started dancing a little bit in the isle. This lady smiled as she picked her birthday gift bag and then we started talking. By the end of the conversation, she wanted us to come to her house to teach her what we have to say. Sooo this is proof that being yourself will get investigators even if it's in the most random way.
Thrusday was the non-stop lesson after lesson it was awesome. The begining of the day we went out with Bro. Corkren and Nanna. We went and saw a less active member who is working on coming back to church in fact he's come back quite a few times in the last month soo that's good. Then we went out to eat at the Reins. They are fun--I told Bro. Rein that the old men in the Senior Center keep asking me to play "Boogie Woogie" on the piano. So I know that man has got of New Orleans style music so he gave me a lot and come this Tuesday I will be playing the Boogie Woogie...nothing like serenading old men in a senior center by playing the Boogie Woogie haha.
Then we saw our boys Keith and Alex wahoo!! The holidays have been a struggle when it came to seeing our boys. But it was good to be back in their home teaching them. We also saw Christian!! I love Krystal's family...they are the funnest and we have a great time with all those children everytime we go over. Christian tired teaching me how to play this game..."Yu-Gio?" I think that's how you spell it eh...but I am not good at it at all. I had know idea what I was doing so of course I acted like I did the entire time he knew better.
We also saw Lakeitha today. Oh my gosh her little Brother is amazing. He's nine years old and kept chiming in on the lesson. I looked at him and asked if he wanted to join. Then I asked if he went to church cause we never see him at church with his sister. Apparently he walks to a church every Sunday that's two blocks away because no one will take him to church. So he goes by himself every Sunday and he's nine....what a devoted child of God. We told him he needs to start coming with Lakeithia and then he asked, "When can I get baptized?" His testimony is stronger then most adults. He started to feel slightly guilty for sins he has done in the past....then we asked, "do you feel Christ has forgiven you?" With tears in his eyes he said, "I don't know, what does that feel like?" Then we explained it to him--then explained how baptism would feel. We looked over at Lakethia and she was crying. She said, "I've never seen him like this before." It was yet another solid lesson and he will be coming with Lakeithia from now on. Lakeithia looked at us and said, "Perfect, one member of my family is coming back to chruch with me and I have 5 to go:)." Man, the youth now days, are such a chosen generation.
Saturday we went and taught an investigator that we tracted into on tuesday. Kristi is amazing and knows the Book of Mormon is true. She's already read 12 chapters and can't put it down. She calls us her three angles that the Lord sent to her as a sign to change her life. We did a lot more Saturday but I don't feel the need to go into detail:)
Sunday was church (no way really?) haha but we had three investigators there and then we went to eat out at the Tally's. What a couple!...oh man. Haha she's got these two horses and cows and she is a fiesty southern country woman. I love her and she now teases me cause she didn't believe me when I said I was raised in the country on a farm. She kept calling me city girl the entire time and honestly I was So I proved my point to her that I really was raised in the country and now she goes alright Sister Country I believe you. Haha she loves me....but man was I going to prove to her that I was raised on a farm and I did:) Stupid thing to prove but come on I am proud of where I came from--I love where I was raised and who I was raised to be.
Then we ran into this adorable Latino woman Kathy. We stopped when tracting and talked to her for a min. She calles herself the Latino version of Betty Crocker. She actually gave us a great recipie for a face mask.
Here it is:
Oatmeal: but in blender or magic bullet until it's powderized.
Baking Soda: a pinch
Lemon Juice: 3 drops
Milk: enough to make a paste.
haha she said just let it sit on your face till it's dry and you will feel beautiful after you wash it off. It might feel like it's pulling your skin but just enjoy it cause it's cleaning those toxins. Haha she was adorable!! We are def going back to visit her.
Anyways it was a great week y'all. So much is happening and the branch is slowly but surley growing. It's a miracle to witness and it's all because of the Lord. "I do not glory in myself but I glory in that which the Lord has commanded me." Alma 29:9--funny how our new mission quote involves my mission scripture coinsedence? I think not.
Love y'all!
Love Sister Jenkins


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