Monday, January 27, 2014

Hey everyone!
I hope y'alls week is going good. This week was interesting for us. But we'll start from the beginning.
Monday was usual missionary work after pday. We went to Christians home and had a mini family home evening for the children. It was fun we talked all about temples and how important they are. Christian made a promise and was already on board for going to the temple with his Nanna to do baptisms for the dead. We were surprised he was already to go. I mean, he's only 13 years old and the testimony he is developing is already amazing. But it was a fun night. We love being with the members in our ward.
Tuesday was good a couple of hilarious experiences happened. But we went tracting by the apartments that are next to our house. We ran into a couple of really sweet people. The first one being Owen who had just lost his wife and is experiencing a lot of grief and depression. Which was perfect because that morning I had read an article in the Ensign about grief and how it's a normal part of life. Also how grief can help us grow closer to the Savior. It was good we left a prayer with him and a return appointment. As we marched on our merry way to the apartment doors we knocked on this one. Ohmy gosh this was hilarious!! We knocked...waited, and nothing. Then we knocked again (just the usual process of knocking) and waited then all of a sudden bang bang bang! Someone from the inside knocked back!--and it scared us so bad but I bet they were dying of laughter from the inside because they had a peep hole and could clearly see our scared reaction. honestly it was so funny to me cause no one has ever done that before, but we got it. It made us hesitant to knock on any other doors from that point on. But on the way to the next house this lady was walking out and we complimented her outfit. But as she drove away she turned her car around and waved us down! "Before I left, I had to give y'all my card because I really do want to hear what y'all are about and I do want to grow nearer to God." I was kind of amazed because well, no one ever does that here....usually they are running away from us. I mean literally we usually enter an apartment complex and people look out their windows to see who it is knocking on all the doors. Then, one by one we see car after car leave the parking lot. Well fine don't hear what we have to say drive away...go...leave you'll receive the message one day.
The next door we knocked on a Latino lady answered and didn't speak a lick of English. Soo...I attempted to speak Spanish. It kind of worked!!! I was soo surprised. Basically serving around Spanish Elders has helped because we managed to get her contact information and a return appointment. I was in shock!! Haha as we were walking away, Sister Baker looked at me and said, "Sooo you wait 12 weeks to show me or tell us that you speak Spanish! What the Sister Jenkins I had no idea!" Um...yeah I don't speak Spanish I was only using simple words that I knew but it totally worked! The gift of tounges people its a real thing.
This day we were super busy--we also checked up on Patrick a potential investigator and he is a giant sweet heart. We shared a love for music with each other. As the three of us sang for him he started to cry, " I really needed you three angles in my life today." I felt great after we left him and we helped him draw closer to Christ through a common love of music.
Wednesday was good we did "Honk for Jesus" again. We get the best responses from people doing that. Basically we are in the South--all these good Christian people honking for Jesus. That night we went to the church for the branches 1st youth activity!!! Miracles are really happening folks. We had seven youth there boys and girls combined! We played ping pong and ate some pizza but it was nice to have almost all our youth there including the recent youth who have just gotten baptized. Bogalusa has never had a youth activity before and this was the first. What a miracle to witness, the pizza was a little weird looking not going to lie. The girls didn't want to eat it and I had the hardest time cutting it. But, I didn't pick the pizza or buy it, plus the young men ate it all. I was thankful that the ward pitched in and did their jobs to get these precious youth involved.
Thursday Sister Baker was sick most of the day but thankfully we were able to go out that night. The Taylors took us to their place and we had fun being with them eating Gumbo and talking about the work.
Friday not a ton happened, it was just a usual day out in the field--we went and taught Cindy and she is defiantly ready to get baptized. That woman has changed so much through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Seriously she is a completely different person. I felt honored because she asked me to speak at her baptism which is new for me because I am always the one on the piano. But I felt honored because honestly I don't feel I have been here for all that she's been through (because I haven't been) such is life. But I have been able to witness the Cindy before the change in her truly happened and that has been such a blessing in my life. The Atonement is a real thing and when you think about it, everything in this life always goes back to it. Change...that's what it's all about. The Salvation of our souls is saved because of the sacrifice Jesus Christ was willing to make. Now, we can change, repented, and be perfected through him. Being able to witness that in another person increases my testimony beyond measure. I love my Savior and I know he loves all of us equally.
Saturday we went and saw the Lux's and I love them so much. President Lux is the best branch president I could ask to serve around. He loves and cares for the branch and Sister missionaries so much. He gives such great advice--and is really helping the work here progress.
Sunday we had David, Cindy and DJ at church. I love it seeing investigators at church! They listen to everything that's going on. Hmmm that can either be a good thing or a bad thing though. Sometimes I bite my tounges and pray all the right words, principles, and doctrines are taught. Not going to lie sometimes it all goes completely wrong but other times really well and it was as if the entire day was made specifically for that investigator. Today, hmmm well I was nervous most of the time praying over and over in my mind that everything would go right. Thankfully everything went well. Not great but well....think positive...I must think positive. On the bright side, Cindy is getting baptized this weekend along with Estella, and DJ wants to get baptized wahoo! That night we went to the police station to eat with the officers. These men have the sassiest personalities. They showed us all their guns as we ate with them and they ask really good questions about what the "Mormon Religion" is all about. It's comforting to know that in this town we got the police officers looking out for us. Sometimes we see them driving around (especially Roy) and we have to talk to them. "Hey Mormon Chicks! How are y'all doing?!" Seriously people I am living in a movie.
That was the week at it's finest. It was a great week, great people, and great work being done. Bogalusa has hope and things are changing. It's all in the hands of the Lord which is the best place to be. It's only going to be through our faith and obedience that it will continue to thrive. I love you all so much. Thank you for you testimonies, prayers, and strength. Hold firm to the faith and never for get to on your knees. Plead with the Father in all you do I know that as you do you will feel more love and peace in your life. Anything you go through you can get through with his help. He loves you beyond measure.
I love you.
Love Sister Jenkins 


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