Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Earnshaw our ZL and me

Being weird!

Eating banana pancakes!

A tunnel we found during lunch.

Love these children!

I LOVE these shoes!

Williams and me:)

Being in the skit haha just laugh with me--The mustache is real

Call this the Storehouse Crew!

Hey Everyone!!
Man the more and more I am out here the more the weeks seem to keep flying on by.  I honestly don't really like it because I love this mission so much!  Well here's the usual weekly overview.  Monday we were able to eat with the Corona family.  I love them and the best part is Sister Corona is from Hyrum so she know exactly where I am from.  She doesn't know Uncle Steve though:( But oh well--there a newly wed and it was a good night of food and laughs.  They showed us their wedding pictures and one of her family members was never able to attend her wedding so they made a creepy cardboard cut out and it was hilarious!! This cardboard man is in all of their wedding pictures and I couldn't stop laughing the picture was so funny--Note to cardboard family members in any wedding pictures.
Tuesday--Sister Williams and I tracted quite a bit.  We were able to see Da-da and teach him.  We ran into a couple of really good potentials (not going to lie today I don't really know what to say in this email).  Oh wait I just thought of something!!  On a really bright note we tracted into a lady named Brenda--she has read the Book of Mormon and we have given her a baptismal date for Aug 17th!  She's a sweet lady, we are excited to continue to teach her and get to know her family better.  Tuesday night we were able to eat dinner with the Utah Sales wives:) As you are aware....a lot of people from Utah leave Utah for the summer to sale (I know a couple of y'all).  Anyways we have the best group in Mississippi and they are the cutest couples and I love them all! Since the husbands are out making the money all day--the wives are home and they invite us over to eat with them.  It's great haha I feel like I'm back at home with my girls.
Wednesday--Okay sooo today was funny.  The Elders went on exchanges....and it was a super rainy day.  Well--I thought of the song by Jack Johnson (Banana Pancakes)  apostate I know.  Then I really wanted Banana Pancakes.  Then I went down in the kitchen to see what we had and I ordered Banana Pancakes (pathetic I know).  Well...I may have ordered one to many so we decided to share them with Elder Andy and Earnshaw.  I thought it was finally a good time for me to prank the Elders.  So I told them that I made the pancakes.  An hour after they ate them...I couldn't hold my lie of I made the pancakes in any longer.  They freaked out at the fact that I ordered Banana Pancakes from IHop...yeah I can't believe I did that either.  But they loved them, we loved them and all was well.  They were good pancakes not going to lie.  
Friday was great we help with Bishops Storehouse every other week out here so Friday was Bishops storehouse.  Since Sister Williams and I couldn't observe "Thirsty Thursday" we had to ride bikes all day Friday including riding down one of the main roads.  But I think what was really cool was that our district was worried about the Sisters getting hurt on the highway (okay I would be worried too if I was witnessing Sister Jenkins riding a bike) so they all said a prayer for us and the power of prayer works, I know it does we were completely safe.  Not going to lie I laugh every time I ride a bike..we look so goofy and I love it.  The Elders always shout out the window at us (but we do the same back)...I just have never felt sooo hmmm unattractive?  Yep that's a good word...on my bike I do not feel attractive. Its kind of like those moments that you imagine are watching yourself from a far of what you are doing, and all you can do is laugh because just the picture of it is hilarious.  Oh and get this, we "The Sisters" wear helmets as you can see in pictures.  I find it funny that our Elders won't because they don't want to mess up their hair.  I feel like a goof ball but hey I love it and wouldn't have it any other way..
Saturday was a great day!!  We were able to meet with Tiffanie and her husband who we discovered was a member!!  They came to church on Sunday and it was great to have them both there.  Today we also met with Robin, but it wasn't Robin we actually met with.  Sister Williams and I were able to sing and play with her children the whole time and I love her children.  They have my heart and we taught them "Popcorn Bopping" and I sang a song I taught the 3 year olds I taught at USU they loved it!   We were able to get them excited about coming to church and learning about Jesus.  They were precious and such a huge stress relief.  Seriously nothing touched my heart more then watching the light children have in their eyes.  They are so innocent and precious and all they do is love.  I have never been hugged more by little children in all my life like I do out here.  It's such a blessing and I thank Heavenly Father everyday for it.  Saturday was also the Pioneer day activity for our ward.  Granted it's not Newton (which I really missed pioneer day is my favorite time of year in newton) but we had a lot of fun.  Williams and I were in charge of these stick horses that the children had to make.  I honestly didn't think any one would want to make them...boy was I wrong!  We were none stop making horses from 10:30-12.  Then after Anderson and I were in the ward skit.  Yep we "performed" in front of everyone and all I could do was laugh inside of course.  We sang "Pioneer Children" and I forgot the words besides "they sang as they walked and walked etc. Anderson just hummed the whole thing and I acted like I knew all the words.  Let's just say the skit was humor relief for me.  It was very cute and funny.  The children were the best part along with my pioneer dress.
Sunday is always the best day of the week to me.  We had a couple of investigators come to church and we had to teach the lesson.  I think the lesson went good.  I don't know for sure.  I am grateful for help from the members and the other missionaries.  I love this mission with all my heart.  I love teaching the gospel and I love the peace it brings into peoples lives.
This gospel is the way to salvation--I know that Jesus Christ loves each and everyone of us.  I know that Heavenly Father hears every word we pray.  I know we have angles walking with us and protecting us everyday.  I know that those who have been baptized in this church have the gift of the Holy Ghost the third member of the God head.  What a blessing to have that constant companionship.  I see my life changing and who I was isn't who I am now.  I love teaching this amazing news that the church has been restored and we have a Prophet.  I have always known these things are true.  I have always just known that we have a Prophet, that the Book of Mormon is true, that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer, I know that I am a virtuous daughter of God.  I know that my life has been eternally changed because of where I am at.  I couldn't be more thankful then I feel every time I email.  I miss home but know that the work is pressing forward and may we all be missionaries.  Stay Strong y'all--with God all things are possible.
Love you always
Love Sister Jenkins

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