Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June Week 4

Hey Everyone!
Well--once again..I feel like I say this over and over again, but what a week!!  I just am loving my mission more and more each day.
Monday--We went fishing at the Gordons.  Their house is the coolest and has a beautiful pond right in front of it.  We spent all day with the fishing poles and then we ended with watermelon.  It was great--I love pdays when we do different things.
Tuesday-Well Tuesday basically the best thing that happened was we went to go see a lady that Sister Keyes and I tracted into awhile back:)  Her name is Sister McCoy.  Well, here's the story--about a week ago we went to visit the Gores in our ward.  They then started talking about a 90 year old lady who for her birthday went sky diving, in the process she broke her leg.  All of us were like wow we want to meet her!  Well, a week later we felt impressed to go visit Sister McCoy just because when we tracted into her we promised we would stop by and say hi even though she is not interested.  When we walked into the home--"you've got a friend in me" was playing really loud, and there she was in a Wheel chair with a broken leg with her hands in the air singing that song.  We were all, "Sister McCoy what happened?!"  She then said, "I went sky diving for my 90th birthday."  haha we had known this woman all along.  Shes adorable...she showed us the video of her sky diving, inspired me to go sky diving when I get home and then we talked.  We asked her what she would do if she saw Jesus right now, "Well, I would just hug him....I love Jesus he is my best friend.  I would just hug him, oh how I love him."  It was so cute!  She has a weenie dog that is severely overweight haha he's the funniest thing to look at.  But that was Tuesday for you.  OH well okay one more thing--we got a referral in Jackson...so we went to go knock on the door.  Well we knocked 3 times and no one answered (were a little pushy;)  Then all of a sudden Courtney walks out!  Hey y'all! come on in...she said, I'm sorry did you knock?  "yeah three times sorry."  "Oh my....that crazy cause I got the strangest feeling I needed to come to the door, I didn't want to but something kept telling me to get up.  But I never heard you knock!"  Well long story short we are now teaching her thanks to the promptings of the spirit.
Wednesday--We went on exchanges...since the world now knows I can't drive till the end of October out here haha I am the one to always go away.  So this week I went with Sister Bender out to Crystal Springs.  It was so fun!  I love that small/ghetto town.  It's extremely spread out and they have only 2 ward members in the town.  We didn't drive...we tracted most of the day and not gonna lie haha walking for a long time in a boot is harder then it looks! But it was well worth it:)  I loved being out there....plus I got a little tan being in the sun all day. 
Friday--In the middle of Weekly planning, we get a phone call from Dorothy saying she wants to see us today and take us out to lunch right then.  Haha so we dropped all and went with Dorothy.  It was wonderful to be able to be with her a little bit.  We ended up going to the bigger half of our area out to Utica and was able to see Dorothy's house, and visit with Sister Henderson.  It was great.
Sunday-Alex came to church!!  Yahoo!--Also the broadcast was incredible for missionaries.  The lord is truly hastening his work it's amazing!  To see all those missionaries, and so see the beautiful sisters. Listening to the apostales and our beloved Prophet made me so happy--the spirit for this conference was so strong and I love how personal the Twelve apostales are.  This chruch is organized so perfectly--our God is truly a god of order.  I am so thankful I was quick in my decsion to come out to serve the lord.  I am also so grateful I get to be apart of this great work.  It's amazing the miracles I get to witness each and everyday.  The smallest miracles bring the greatest blessings and build the strongest testimonies.  But one thing I have learned that miracles come because of our faith....Faith produces miracles, miracles don't produce faith.  I am reading in 3 Nephi right now and I love my Savior Jesus Christ so much!  To see the army of missionaries coming out and to see how quick this work is becoming.  It's incredible.....70,000 missionaries....I think of the 2000 stripling warriors and because of their example look at all of us!  It's incredible and the lords hand is in all.  Members at home and everywhere.. we are all apart of this true church, we are responsible for preaching the gospel to all and we are to help Heavenly Father gather Israel.  The gospel is truly going to all nations and it is going to everyone of God's children.  I love this work, and I love this gospel with all my heart.
Have a good week now!
Love Sister Jenkins

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