Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July Week 1

Hey Everyone!
Okay wow what a week--I got a new call and I have been officially transferred.  I am training again and opening a new area.  We are the first set of sisters in the Hattisburg ward and my new companion is Sister Willams  she is from Syracuse Utah and she is going to USU!  We know we have met before but not sure where.   I feel so blessed to be able to train her and serve with her.  She seems like and amazing missionary already.
So this week a lot has happened.  The trio basically knew we would be getting split up sooo we had been preparing ourselves.  President called on Tuesday to tell us where we all were going.  Then the rest of the week we worked and got ready to leave.  This is my 1st transfer in 6 months it feels weird! I can't believe 6 months of my mission has already flown by! I have loved every second and I am so grateful for every chance I have to be out here. 
On Sunday I was able to speak about being Charitable to yourself.  It was a good experience.  Except for the fact I didn't know that there were 3 speakers!  So I prepared a 15 min talk.  Then when that went by haha I was talking still! Gosh...my mouth sometimes I don't know when to be quiet.  But Bro. Kelly tapped me once....well I blew it off thinking it was a bug or something tapping my arm.  Then the 2nd time he tapped me I turned around and he said, "Sister Jenkins, It's time to go."  Embarrassed I turned to the congregation and said, "Oh......it's time to go!"  haha gosh I am ridiculous sometimes.    Anyways....saying bye to the Clinton ward was hard but change is a good thing and I couldn't be more excited to be serving in Hattisburg.  I already love it.  My district is awesome and so is my companion.  Zemp, Keyes, and I and a couple of other missionaries are planning on running ragnar at home!  I can't wait to really run when I get home. 
Anyways...random note I know but, I know without a doubt that the lords hand is in all things.  Monday we went to say goodbye to Bro. Kynerd,  When we walked in the nurse that was there started crying and said, "I have never felt anyone's joy as strongly as yours and I never want this feeling to leave you have truly touched my life."  Then the three of us were able to sing to the Kynerd family and the ladies that were there.  It was a blessing to watch that we had to go to Bro. Kynerds house at that specific time in order to touch that ladies heart.  Now Sister Zemp in staying in Clinton and will get the privilege to teach Danielle. 
Today has been a good day--there is so much to do!! Opening and area is big and I am excited to get to see the ward.  I am so sorry this email is so short but I have a new address
300 N. 38th Ave
Apt #2
Hattisburg MS
Y'all are so amazing and I give props to my parents for finishing their job with the trek this year!!  I am so blessed to have been raised in Newton to be in the wonderful Benson stake.  I love this gospel with all my heart and I can't wait to get started here in Hattisburg.  Everyday is a blessing remember that. 
I love you!
Sister Jenkins

My new comp---Sister Willams. 

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