Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Hey everyone!
Okay so this week has been really good--I finally feel like things in Hattisburg are starting to roll.  Sister Williams and I are really focusing on meeting the ward and finding new people to teach. 
Monday we went to visit Sister Low and honestly I was kinda freaking out the whole time because the area was really sketchy. was good:)  I loved that lady and the Elders have been really good in helping the ward members to know who we are. 
Tuesday we had a couple of really good lessons--I am now positive that talking to everyone is really one of the main keys to missionary work.  I mean even if I get a thought that I should talk to a person now I can't help but talk to them.  For example, Sister Willams and I were on our way to an appointment.  Well when we got there the guy we are teaching wasn't there.  So we drove away--while we were driving away we drove past this old beaten down shed and in it was a man eating some peanuts leaning up against his truck taking a break from work.  Well it was pouring rain and Mississippi pours when it rains..I didn't want to get out so I ignored the prompting.  Then as shes driving away I realized that if I don't say something to that man I would have a regret regarding this moment.  So I made her turn around so we could go talk to him.  He was a very interesting man, and he wasn't interested however I am so thankful that we did turn around because I knew that if I didn't I would have wondered. 
We have an awesome guy we are currently teaching his name is Da-da (its his nickname) and he is responding so well to what we are teaching.  He actually came out to us when we were tracting one day--we were able to teach him the restoration lesson right then and there.  Now we are in good contact and hopefully we will be able to see him for a third lesson this week.  We are also teaching another awesome man--We found Mr. Curtis when tracting but he was blasting his "soul" music for all to hear.   Well the neighborhood we are in is really run down (our area is a little rough) and this man is playing this great music.  So we went up introduced ourselves and had a nice talk about life.  He's a giant sweetheart and we have seen him a couple of times already. 
Wednesday we went on exchanges--basically here is what happened.  Get ready for a hilarious story people.  We now go on exchanges with our Sister Training Leaders and at the end of the day Sister Williams and I had to go to our dinner appointment.  The other sisters stayed at our apartment to cook dinner.  So while we were gone we told them we would be late and we got a response saying, "We'll be here:)"  We got to the apt. at 7:30...when we walked in they weren't there.  We looked everywhere thinking it was a joke and no one was there.  One sister was in the middle of a sentence in her journal and there was food (not cooking) still on the stove, they left their cell phone, keys, the back gate to our pad was wide open, the back door was unlocked and basically everything they would need even to go out for a walk was left.  I started to panic a little.  It's almost eight and they still haven't showed up.  We waited a little longer and then it started to get Sister Training Leaders anywhere and it's nearly been 40 min.  So I couldn't take it anymore.  We called the Elders--said a prayer together on the phone.  After the prayer honestly we all felt fine but the "Natural woman" in me kept panicking.  Soon--The ZL's got to the apt--talked to the police man next door and well the sisters were still missing!  Basically within 50 min I had gathered a small search party for these two (Jenkins and Thomision).  Then Elder Anderson was on the phone and said, "Sister Jenkins.....Elder Earnshaw and I have a really peaceful feeling."  Okay well I did too but still they weren't there!  I was a little panicked and it had been an hour.  The cop, us, and the Elders searched around the entire apt complex.  On the way back up to the apt--we hear someone yell, "There they are!"  Yep...our Sisters when 3 doors down to sit and give an hour or longer lesson with our neighbors but left everything and didn't even tell us where they were.  When we got inside I started crying in relief because I love all the missionaries out here so much.  I would be broken if anything happened to one of them and I didn't do all I could.  So by the end of the night all was good.  Haha wow what a story right?!  Nothing seems to change--crazy things always happen!
Thursday was a good day--Williams and I were able to tract a lot.  We rode our bikes all over Hattisburg and loved every second because it was a little breezy that's a good thing in the sticky humidity.  Honestly my hair has never stuck to my neck so bad in all my life.  I "glisten" so much out here.  Williams and I literally tried talking to everyone and we found a lot of new people to teach this week so we are really excited.
Friday-we gave this post man a Book of Mormon and asked if we could come teach him, he said yes.  He's a big guy and was in the army once before.  Well...we started to walk away and Williams says, "Jenkins...we've met him at the Lows before!  We met him this week!!"  Instantly I ran back...Adrianne...we've met you before?!"  "Yes m'am you have."  "You still want us to teach you?!"  "Yes m'am I do I'll see you soon."  Haha wow....dumb moment from Sister Jenkins..not even recognizing the man we met on Monday.  But what a blessing--the lord must really want him to be taught in order for him to see us twice in one week out of the whole city of Hattisburg.
Saturday we met a man named Jonny.  We met him when he was riding down the road in his automatic wheel chair.  He is paralyzed because he got hit by a car.  He went down to the store in this wheel chair to get a gallon of milk and on the way back we walked up to him.  We sat with him on his front porch and just talked and listened.  He was very receptive and he is so inspirational.  He was such a hard worker before he was paralyzed and now he relies on Heavenly Father to get him through everything.  He's from Jamaica and he has the best spirit about him.  It was one of my favorite moments of all time--he's a sweetheart.   He told us he loved us and wants us to come back--words every missionary loves to hear.
Sunday was great--Sister Williams and I spoke in church:)  I love this gospel so much!  Every time I bear my testimony it grows stronger and I love it.  I love feeling "born again" at the beginning of each week.  I love the fact I can repent and I love my Savior Jesus Christ.  I know he lives and I know that this work is what it's all about.  I want to stay a valiant soldier in this gospel forever.  I know it's the only true church on earth and I am so thankful I am serving as a full-time missionary. This mission has truly changed my life dramatically and in the best way possible for eternity.  I have so much to be thankful for.  I hope everyone back in Utah is doing great.  Remember that when you don't feel like you can pray that is when you need to pray the most!  I love you so much.  Philippians 4:13:)
Love you always!
Love Sister Jenkins
Well I didn't take any pics this this was this morning.
Picture from the wedding.

Historic down town hattisburg

It was a rough go...people thought I had chiggers.  I dont:)

I had so many bite marks from bugs I drew on my legs and connected the dots

I'm getting weirder carissa...sorry

..I'm getting the pinky?....really?!

don't ask why my skirt is the way it is....

The Barlows came and took us to raising Caines!:)

I love this girl y'all get to see her soon!

Church that was affected by the tornado.

I love them!!

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