Wednesday, July 31, 2013

We played princesses yesterday:)  she was Princess Gazelle and I was the princess from Tangled (according to her) to bad my hair is soo slow to grow!

sad...long...hard...biking day but in the end it was all good!

I fell off my bicycle....

Melissa Burton!! I finally got to meet her Sunday!!

Mhmmm...I can't see Iron Man...but I sure as heck can put his mask on:)
Here is my district!

My comp and I:) Love this girl...
First and foremost....HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my baby sister!  Carissa is the big 16 sooo boys...she's available, but if you break her heart I will pray for a rain cloud to follow you all day!  Okay so once again I had a really good week.  I feel as if my emails are so repetitive--but really every week on the mission is a great week.  I really love my area and things seem to be picking up really well.  Sometimes I wonder why time has to fly by so fast, but it always seems to do so.  We have been doing a lot of service this week mostly.  People are moving in and from the ward so quickly.  Husbands are getting jobs, USM is starting up again here pretty quick, and well yeah the missionaries are the moving service and I really love it because we have fun while we work. 
Anyways--Soo we have a really good teaching pool and I love it.  We had to ride our bikes everywhere this week because well of miles.  Sadly we refuse to go over on miles and well we don't know our area all that well.  Put the two together and we use a lot of miles so with six miles left we have been riding our bikes all over Hattisburg.  Not only are we short of miles (only 3 days left) but it was the Elders week for the car.  So we are some in shape Sisters!! 
Probably my favorite service of the week was when we had to help Jerry plant flowers in the morning.  Not only were we able to plant flowers with her, but we were able to finally teach her!  The Elders had our area before we got here and were developing a really good friendship with her.  Well now that there is a friendship she allowed us to help and then teach her.  It was a great morning. 
A lot of really powerful experiences happened this week and it was to a point were I literally felt like I was on a spiritual hangover the next day....literally it was this overwhelming feeling of happiness and it brought me to my knees.  All I have to say is that the priesthood is real.  It has been restored and I know that the priesthood is something I can never ever live without.  I am so thankful that I have had a father who has always been worthy of holding that priesthood power.  It has meant the world to me and has changed my life as I witness that divine power and authority at home and out here on the mission.  I am so thankful for the men in this church that respect that priesthood and are always worthy of it.  It is them that I aspire my husband to be like. 
Basically my testimony continues to grow.  I don't have a lot to say this week other then bear my testimony like always.  I am now playing the organ for the Hattisburg ward and it's great.  I love music with all my heart.  There's a song that's called "She put the Music in Me" by Calee Reed, Mom, I want to thank you for putting that music into my soul.  I know I am serving in Mississippi because the people are so full of passion when they sing and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I am full of passion, maybe the way I sing isn't the way they all sing out here...but I will say that music invites the spirit, it can make a sad day better, it can ease our sorrows, and some songs are answers to my prayers.  Music is an amazing thing and I have completely realized that the kind of music we listen to really affects the way we act. 
Anyways--sometimes I just go off on these tan-gins and I need to recognize when to stop.  Basically this week was a week full of blessings, service, and finding.  Missionary work is the best and we are all apart of it.  Well, I'm going to go but I hope everyone has a good week.  God Bless and know that you are in the prayers of a Sister serving in Mississippi.
Love Sister Jenkins

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