Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hey Everyone!!
First off....I have to do a shout out to my girl CeAnn who's getting married this week!! Congrats I love you tons!
This week has been really really good.  It was a crazy busy week but we are managing to find really well.  Something that the three of us have started is we are talking literally to everybody.  We talk..and get a scheduled apt as short and as powerful as we can make it.
Monday was exciting in Walmart out of all places:)--But that night we wanted to proselyte and be sure to get a couple of potential investigators.  So each of us took turns randomly talking to people. turn happened to be back by the eggs....this is how it started (it was a couple I had to talk to), "Hey, so how do y'all tell what eggs are good and what eggs are bad?  I just don't know what brand of eggs to get."  okay first off really?!  Did I really just ask about what brand of eggs to get?  Yep I did...the conversation continued, "um open the lid to see if any of the eggs are cracked."  In my mind I'm are a already know this.  Then I asked, "okay...well just like I'm trying to pick out what eggs to do y'all pick out a "good" church?"  Then the conversation just took off and we are going to teach them both this week!!  It was awesome:)  I've realized what power there is in the name Jesus Christ.  When you tell everyone we are from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints..they are so receptive.  Then when you pull out the Book of Mormon..they say "Your Mormons?!"  Okay...yes yes we are but we read our King James version of the Bible just like you!  When we say that then they are softened just a bit:)
It's amazing at how much people love Jesus Christ down here!  I love it so much....we need to be more vocal about it at home.  I mean we are Members of the "one Lord, One faith, one baptism"  We are members of the church Jesus Christ is literally the head of.  Why wouldn't we be more vocal and proud of that fact!  I know when I get home things are going to be a little different.  Before I was very much excited and always willing to learn about Joseph Smith.  I love that man with all my heart and I know he was the first prophet of the Restored Church.  However...I always overlooked the atonement and my Savior Jesus Christ.  Then I come out here and Jesus Christ is everyone's life.  I have really been studying about his life and it just amazes me.  He is truly my Savior and Redeemer and all I do I do for my Lord, my king Jesus Christ and for my Heavenly Father.  I am so grateful I am around so many others that love him just like me.  I mean you drive past a bank and in the automatic billboard thing, and it has a scripture for all the cars to drive past, see then look up in the bible.  Well...I'm from Utah...the south is known as the Bible belt, and Utah is known as..."Mormon Country".  Wouldn't it be awesome if the bank in Cache Valley posted up a Scripture from the Book of Mormon and in the next slide one from the Bible?  Good heavens lets me more proud of the fact we have the only book on earth that has been translated once!  It's the most perfect book on earth and I love it and know it's true with all my heart.
Okay...sorry I've gone off on a tangent...I seem to do that a lot.  Tuesday was amazing...we got let into every door it seemed.  People are so willing to listen and respect what we have to say when our message is all about our Savior Jesus Christ.  I love the spirit of the south!!  My heart has never been so full as it has this week.  My mission is meaning more and more to me everyday and I know that I am merely clay in the lords hands and he is molding me into the mother I will one day become.
It was zone conference this sweet President gave us a scripture to use at different approaches.  The scripture is 3 Nephi 11:10-11.  I encourage all to read it...then think about how you feel.  If those versus are true (which they are because it's pure doctrine about Christ)  then why on earth would the Book of Mormon not be true?  I testify it is.  The Book of Mormon revolves around Jesus Christ and that it is true.
Anyways--it was such a good week.  My amazing trio won 3rd place (there's only 3 places) for the cleanest car award at zone conference!  I love the fact that more sisters keep coming out!! We have so much power ladies.  Never ever let that passion in our hearts die.  I love the young women's theme--We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us and we love him.
I am so thankful to be a missionary at this great time.  I love the work and I love my brother Jesus Christ.
Y'all take care!!
Love Sister Jenkins


Love these ladies...

My Zone is Awesome!

Serving Lunch in the Jackson Branch...

Love this lady so much!

Miss Tamia and us...

In Vicksburg...

Miss Jenni and me...

Exchanges with Sister Jenkins:)  we are literally Sisters;)

Zemps brother in law sent us pizza!!  haha awesome suprise at our door...the pizza lady:)

We caught a lightening bug!

Magnolia Flowers are everywhere and beautiful!!  My favorite:)

The trio:)

Sister Abeshier and me

Sister Tomison and me:)

In action...

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