Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Okay soo it was such a good week here in Bogie Town:)
Monday--We went tracting, but it was getting dark really fast, but I knew someone would let us in. And well what do you know! 1st door we knocked on this guy comes out, "Are y'all the Mormon chicks?" Well, I mean yeah we are. "Hey baby, the Mormon Chicks are at our door! Come on in y'all." Then when we started talking came to find out they've heard our message and their names are the Tyson family. Mr. Tyson is a policeman for Bogalusa and apprenetly he used to feed the Elders all the time years ago. They loved us and basically cleaned out their freezer to give us food! They gave us so much food to leave home with I was extremely grateful. Two days later Sister Baker was really sick and had to stay home. That night Sister Mygrant went with a member to teach Book of Mormon class so I could stay with Sister Baker. While Sister Baker and I were in the living room our door bell rings (which freaked me out). But we go to the door and it's officer Tyson!! Haha he was worried about us and was just checking up on us to make sure we were safe. Then he asked if we needed food and he'd go get a pizza for us. Unfortunatly Baker was stomach sick soo no. But he's definatly our little protector!! Just in time too...right when it starts getting dark earlier we have a policeman looking out for us. Thank you for your prayers!
Tuesday--Well...I got sick...it was absolutly freezing and well we came in cause I couldn't handle it anymore!! But on the bright side we still managed to see some people. That night I was up all night with Sister Baker because she had the stomach flu. It was soo sad!! Literally I felt awful but we were up all night. So then come wednesday and Mygrant and I headed off to ZDM in Slidell and Baker stayed with the STL's. So that was good. But Mygrant and I left ZDM early to get in our tracting for the day and we ran into someone that wants to get baptized! But we will see if we can really get in and teach her she wasn't their for our scheduled apointment.
Wednesday the lord blessed us with health and strength because we were all able to get out and do the lords work! We've really been focused on tracting each day, returning members, and member relationships and getting them excited about the work. Well we went to go visit Crystal, I wasn't sure why we were led to there, Nanna took me out there last Sunday but I barely remembered where I was going but I knew we had to go!--We get there and well, Crystal wasn't home. So we went tracting, that's when we met Wanda. She answered the door and said, "The lord knew my heart has been breaking because there are three angles at my door." There's a lot going on in her life right now and she desperatly needed to know the lord was aware of her and her mother. We held hands and prayed it was all meant to be and I know that was the reason why we went in that area even though it was not in our plans.
Thursday we went to see a returning member, I basically gave her the smack down on coming back to church. I think it slightly scared Sister Baker and Mygrant but the spirit was there the entire time and honestly I don't remember a word I said! But I know it made her think and at the end of the lesson she hugged me and told me how much she loved me. There was just so many small miracles that happened this week and I know it's because all three of us are trying out best to be as obeident as we can. Obedience really brings miricales!! Miricales are a result of our faith and dedication to the Lord.
Friday we were able to go and see the Gill family--she has the custest boys ever and I just love them with all my heart. Something that I guess hasn't happened here before was we went into her home and read scriptures with her boys!! Kieth was excited and had his scriptures ready to go--we gave Alex a Book of Mormon and read with them. They love the Sister Missionaries and I know they would get baptized.
Saturday Taylor came to get us all the way from Hattiesburg to take us to Jamara's baptism. I love her so much...she will definatly be a friend to me always. She really cares and loves the missionaries with all she has--Jamara was in the backseat and was nervous for the baptism. But after the baptism Taylor took us out to eat with Sister Hansen and Welch. I really do love them and miss the Hattiesburg area but I do know the lord has called me to Bogalusa and I know there are miracles already happeneing in this area. I do love it. But I am soo thankful for the friendships I have with people there in Hattiesburg. If I ever questioned why I was in Hattiesburg, I look back on the the friendships that are there now and realize I was successful in more ways then one and I thank my Heavenly Father for that.
Sunday was well amazing!!! Crystal brought her 4 children, Alex and Keith, and she even brought Pams children (cause pam has to work). It was amazing!! There were so many members and non members there and Sister Baker said, "I have never seen this many cars in our parking lot." to see all these children who are of the age of baptism taking up an entire row was overwhelming joy. I pray and hope we can conitnue to work with them. We as a companionship want to start working on activity days for them once a week and getting them to church everyweek. Unfortuantly Fannie wasn't there to see the "fruits of her labors" (because all of them are her family) and she was sick:( But we went to see her later on sunday and her eyes just glowed as we told her everything that had happened!--I shared with her D & C 111:1-4 those scriptures help me so much when I feel I am not doing anything as a missionary. But I know as we continue to help the lord without stuttering, he is always pleased with our work.
Man it was such a blessed week!! I love what I do soo much--being able to witness people soften their hearts come back to church, joining the church, and watching the members grow together is such a blessing!! I love what I do--I thank heavenly father for sending me to this area. I really do love my companions they are so strong in this gospel and in all they do. We are working this area hard and aren't going to stop. Now, y'all have a really good week. I sure love you!!
Love Sister Jenkins


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