Friday, December 27, 2013

I hope everyone is keeping Christ in their hearts and remembering the true meaning of Christmas.  This week we received a gift that will be in our hearts forever.  We were able to witness the baptisms of Alex, Keith, and Christian.  It was a such a blessing and my heart is so full of joy its kinda ridiculous! But at the beginning of the week we all kinda got colds....bleh.

Monday, P day of course right?! But we went and taught Keith and Alex because they were getting baptized on Saturday!! They just had a couple of lessons left so we were able to finish those and get them ready!!
On Tuesday, we took it easy all day but later that night we saw miss Fannie, who fed us dinner. What a sweetheart! But we actually got there and she had forgotten about it :P so she just fed us what she had made for her and her son. She is the sweetest lady! And she kept apologizing haha Then we taught Christian, his last lesson. We went over the interview questions - and he is so solid! He will be the best priesthood holder. We're so excited for him :) He wants more than anything to hold the priesthood. He keeps asking the branch president when he can get it haha.

Wednesday, I was feeling a bit better, but Mygrant woke up with a sore throat. So we did what we could. We went to the Landrums because she asked us to help her pass out some Christmas presents, and she gave us some popcorn and stuff :) Then we tracted, and ran into this one lady, Jessica, who had just moved here and needed some friends. So we made an appointment with her to come back and teach her! Cool beans.
Then we taught Keith and Alex their last lesson, and went over the interview questions - they're a little scatterbrained, but they'll learn it eventually :) We're so so so proud of them, really we love them a lot.

Thursday, Sister Baker started feeling sick. So we went to the Senior Center, which I love with all of my heart but the food is well...gross haha. but then we tried to see a few people but I could barely concentrate on anything haha. We saw Janice, this one lady who we tracted into - she is the sweetest! But she was so sick, so we left a peace and blessing upon her home-- Then later, when we were feeling slightly better, we tried to see Jessica - but she wasn't home. Go figure. We'll try again. And then we saw Jeanette - a very cute old black lady with a lot of attitude! hahaha she just loves to talk with us. So that was fun :)

Friday We traveled to Slidell that morning so we could see someone. That took the whole morning. Then we saw Chris and Sara Atkins - they are so solid!! They're investigators and we taught them the restoration, using cups. And when we explained that Jesus Christ's name wasn't in any of the other churches, and they didn't have the proper authority, they kept nodding their head and saying, "Yeah, that makes sense." He's been baptized in about 3 other churches so he's obviously looking for something. He's doing great!
Later that night, the branch had a Christmas Social and that was awesome. Christian, Keith and Alex also had their interviews, so our District Leader, Elder Tanner and Elder Skelton came down and it was their first time to Bogalusa and they loved the branch. But the boys all passed their interviews!! Whooo! So we stayed for the Christmas social and played with the kids and sang :) It was awesome!

Saturday - CHRISTIAN, KEITH AND ALEX GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! It was a crazy morning though! We had to do a lot of things to get ready for it! But everyone showed up on time, and the boys looked so good in their white shirts, black pants and ties! It was awesome :) And in their jumpers! It was an awesome experience. I thought it was going to be this huge spiritual thing but it wasn't - and I realized it was because it was THEIR experience, not mine. I was just the instrument. And that was humbling :) They looked so good. And the Atkins family showed up to see it! So we gave them a church tour after. We're really excited about them, they are so ready :)
Christian wanted to give a talk after the Holy Ghost talk, and he just got up and told us that he was baptized so that he could see his dad again and live with him forever. It was so sweet! He is such a special spirit. We are so proud of them and their accomplishments.  They have come such a long way and have brought their families with them! Their grandfather, who was less active, was able to baptize them and he gave up Christmas and New Years to do it. It was the most humbling experience!
Best part? It was Fannie's Birthday! (their great grandmother, pretty much the only active member in the family) And so they all gave her a surprise birthday party right after. It really brought them all together :)
Later that night, we saw the Spinks - a less active family in the boonies, who are the nicest people in the world! They fed us dinner, and invited us over for Christmas Eve to have turdunkin - its turkey, chicken and duck mushed together and fried! So they're gonna try it to see how it is :) She also made us dream catchers! she is the sweetest :) That was an amazing day!

Sunday, we went to church and the boys got confirmed - the Spirit was so strong, and the Atkins family came to church and were able to feel that Spirit - it was awesome :) they wanted to come so bad that they brought their little boy with a fever! What the heck?! haha but dedication! Cindy also came - we're gonna give her a baptism date this week! So excited :)
Then it rained all day and we had to stay inside. But later that night, we went to Sister Slade's to eat dinner - I really admire Sister Slade. She is really very strong. A lot has happened to her but she still gives to everyone and relies on the Lord. I managed to finally talk to her son Nick who isn't a member but he actually talked to me finally!!  He's a teenager, but he told his grandma he wouldn't talk to the Sisters ever....especially that one that keeps trying to talk to him aka me.  Haha but yesterday it happened!! We found a common interest sooo I let him know Heavenly Father really loves him.  It softened his heart so hopefully he'll keep talking to step at a time right?
Then Roy, the police officer, invited us for dinner at the police station again! We had fried turkey, baked chicken, and greased fries. It was so good! And one officer, Paul, started asking us questions about our church. Soon we were teaching 5 officers about the gospel and the priesthood and the prophet. It was amazing! I love all of them cuz they act tough, but their huge teddy bears and they love us and want to protect us :)

Anyway, super awesome week!  It was a really humbling experience, and this is only just the beginning! We still have a lot to do, but I've learned so much--I love that I am seeing what this work of salvation is really all about.  It's amazing--we are turly working with Christ.  It's a blessing for me to be able to witness.  I am just so thankful that Jesus Christ was born on earth.  Our Savior and Redeemer saved our souls.  We owe all that we can to him.  I am thankful for the opportunity I have to be here in Bogalusa.  At first I thought it was going to be hard.  It has been but with the Lords help we have had success.  I am thankful for the power in my calling.  I love it soo much, I love this gospel so much and watching it change lives is something that I have been blessed to witness especially with my own life!!   Y'all remember the reason for the season.  It's all about Christ.  Without him there would be no CHRISTmas.  I love you tons!!  I will talk to my family Wednesday Wahoo!!  See y'all soon enough.
I pray for you always--may there be peace in your homes and may you feel the Saviors love for you in your hearts.  God Bless.
Love Sister Jenkins

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