Monday, December 9, 2013


Well Happy Thanksgiving y'all
This week was good. It was a week that made me reflect on all that I am thankful for. We were able to be with the Landrum family for Thanksgiving day and I loved it soo much! I felt like I was back in Utah for a moment haha. The food was good--but really there is so much my heart is thankful for. We had zone conference yesterday and I learned so much. The thing that really hit me was the difference between merely believing and being converted. We refered these two concepts of believing and being truly converted to Peter. I love Peter. He is so relateable, everyone has a little bit of the apostle Peter in them. But then I reflected on myself and how I've gone from believing to being converted on my mission. Fearing man vs fearing God. It was a heart felt zone conference and I loved it. President McDonough is truly called of God to be our mission president I know it. He is an inspired man of God sent here to help us missionaries on this mission. Sister McDonough also gave a wonderful talk. She talked about three "sayings" 1.This is what we signed up for  2. It's not about you. 3. Doubt not but be believing. But I know that even though missionary work can be hard this work is to assist the Lord Jesus Christ. Yesterday I was reminded of the power and authority in my calling. I'm just in awe at this wonderful and amazing opportunity I have been giving. I literally represent the Savior Jesus Christ, what a huge calling! I also love that even though I represent him he still forgives me of my sins and I am able to repent daily. I was reminded that obedience is truly my protection and I have able to witness so small miracles because of obedience. I honestly love this mission soo much my heart was so full yesterday and I was tired spiritually. The knowledge I have brings more joy to my life then anything. President McDonough also talked yesterday about memorization. So look out world the MJM is going to be very knowledgeable on scripture references which is exactly what this mission needs.
The baptisms we are having within the next couple weeks are set:) Alex, Keith, and Christian are the amazing youth in the branch and they will be the three that are in young mens and will be the three to pass the sacrament. They are all getting baptized on the 21. Next week Stella is getting baptized on the 15 so it's going to be really good. Because of them parents are started to get "reactivated". It's such a blessing to be able to witness. The boys Grandpa (who lives in Slidell) will be the one performing the baptisms and they brought the boys to church on Sunday.
This week is going to be a busy one and it's going to go by fast. During weekly planning on Friday our district leader Elder Christofferson informed us that a member of the Seventy is coming to speak to us on Saturday for another zone conference! So road trip down to Gulf Port twice in one week wahoo! Speaking of which way random but along with zone conference yesterday all the trainers were introducing the new missionaries and then two senior sisters got up and one looked extremely familiar and I just couldn't quite put a finger on where I have seen her before. Then all of a sudden she was introduced as "Sister Griffin" I then shouted from the piano, "Are you Chantel's Mom?!" she responded, "Yes I am!" mind you in front of the 2 zones and everyone else I say, "Do you remember me? Chantel used to babysit me and my Mom loves you!" Haha she said she did and then sat down. Yeah...haha small world!! I can't believe she is in my mission--we were able to talk and catch up on each others lives but wow. This world is a very small one.
Anyways that really how my week went. I am just so thankful for this church. I am so thankful for Jesus Christ, I love him so much and this holiday it's all about him. If there was no Savior born this time of year there would be no Christmas period. The Savior was born to save the world! We are saved because of him and we can someday live eternally with him. Amist all the hustle and bustle of the Holiday season let us always remember that it's about Christ. The presents are nice, but the greatest gift of all is Eternal Life which gift is obtainable because of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ. He has redeemed our souls and makes us clean. His love is infinite and his example perfect. I love him with all my heart. Y'all have a good week. The Lords work is pressing forward with faith together we can do this.
Love Sister Jenkins

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