Monday, May 5, 2014

Opening of Stonewall

Hey y'all!!
Oh what a week.  Opening is well crazy.  I feel so much more prepared opening this area then I ever did Hattiesburg.  Maybe that's because I know somewhat more of what I am doing.  Even though moving into our apartment hasn't been a very smooth transition, we've been able to get a lot of work done based on the circumstances. The Glass family let us live with them for a week and a half while we waited to hear back from the apartments. Well, Thursday we got the news that we would officially be moving in on Friday.  Wahoo!
Lets start with major events yeah?  Well, Monday we went tracting.  I have such a strong testimony of tracting on pday.  It's almost like every time we do go tracting on Monday we always find new investigators and people to teach.  This area is a whole lot different then Bogalusa is.  Wow, like people I think the over passes on the highways are pretty.  The Elders, when they split the area gave us the "richer"area.  Which is totally different the Hattiesburg!! We got the poorer area, which was great.  I loved our area there...the area now is more hmmm intimidating?  I get nervous knocking on the doors!  But, we've tracted enough this week that I'm more used to the houses now.  Anyways 1st day in a rich area, okay I stretched a little, took a deep breath, said a huge prayer that someone would accept our message, and knocked.  It seemed we weren't having any success, I just know though that no effort is wasted.  Well, we knocked on this door and a guy answered.  Apparently it wasn't his house, but he told us to come back the next day.  We walked away and as we were near the end of the street, this guy (we'll call him Fred) came running down the street saying, "Sisters, I know the Mormon missionaries and I feel bad for not inviting you in.  I should ha've even though it's not my house.  But, the guy that owns it needs Jesus."  We walked back with him and they fed us dinner and we talked.  It was very...very...interesting haha wow.  I have no words to even explain all that happened.  Just know I felt like I was in a hotel in vegas??  Haha I don't even know how to explain it!! I mean the woman of the house was telling us about her children and everything.  We asked where her children were and she said, "Oh they're out back swimming with their tutor!  She's tanning." Oh yeah...welcome to my life people.  But, on the bright side we did get to teach them a legit lesson.  Then the man of the house said, "Y'all can come back anytime.  I will feed you and you can teach us."  So there you have it.  We gave him a Book of Mormon, he said he'd read it and we were welcome back.
We did service this week for a man who owns a cat sanctuary.  Literally he has soooo many cats!!!  He calls the cat place "Fort Catamo" y'all it's online...look him up!  But, all the cats slightly hmm made me never want to have a cat?  But, hey I respect all that the guy did.  It reminded me of being a little girl and walking all around our land meowing and trying to save the cats I found (sorry Mom). Wednesday we went out to meet some people and boy did we. That's all I have to say about that one.
Thursday was Gladys Knight!  Wahoo!! I got to see her twice during my mission.  The one here in Shreveport was jam packed!  But, it was still just as great.  That woman has a way to reach all of these people's hearts.  I just love how sincere and powerful her choir is when they sing.  Seriously people, and then when she gets up to bear her testimony the spirit is super strong and you just know what she is saying is true.  After Gladys we went out to eat with Gwen and Sister Saunders.  I know that the Lord truly does put us in the right place at the right time.  We were able to help our server out that night.  Apparently she is a member but needed to know that the Lord loves her and is looking out for her. 
Friday we basically spent the entire day moving ourselves into our new apartment.  Woohooo.  It was actually really good.  The deans took us out for pizza after.  But, I am so thankful for all the members here.  They seriously are taking such good care of us.  They are the ones who are making our apartment ready for the missionaries.  Honestly it's such a blessing to be apart of this church.  The relief society is truly the greatest women's organization in the world.  Thanks to a lot of help our apartment has the things it needs.   All I have is a thankful heart and a willing hand to go out and work. 
Saturday was a good day.  We had to wake up early because we were apart of a service project called "Paint Your Heart Out" It was a lot of fun honestly.  We painted this house (our ward) and it took from 7-12p.m. Then, we had interviews at 2:30 so we all had to race home and get the paint out of our hair and head to interviews.  I love interviews!! Seriously I love being able to visit with President McDonough.  He helps me look at missionary work in a better way each time.  Then after interviews we were off again. Lets just say I was freakin out.  Like, I had to drive all through Shreveport (the main part) and the traffic was bad, I was panicking.  Plus it didn't help that Elder Jones (since we car share and are allowed to drive to interview and district meetings together only) was telling me what a horrible driver I was in the back.  I told them both it was a bad idea to let me drive.  But, no one listened to me.  So I was stuck as the driver freakin out.  Those who know me know I slightly have a hard time driving in a ton of traffic.  But, we all lived thankfully.  We went to dinner for the Paint your Heart Out event.  There was a ton of people and loads of Crawfish.  Welcome to the south y'all.
Sunday...May 4th...I just have to say this cause it's really funny, "May the forth be with you." hahahaha oh my when I heard that I went around all day saying that. 
Anyways y'all, it was a good week as usual!! I love the mission.  My companion Sister Brown is awesome and we are working really hard together.  Please remember how much the Lord loves you.  Never forget that who you are IS enough.  He loves us more then we could ever comprehend.  I am thankful I am here.  I will continue to work hard and remain focused.  The church is without a doubt the true church on earth.  It's Jesus Christ's Church restored let us all continue to endure and remain faithful to the truths we know in our hearts. 
Know I love y'all!
Love always Sister Jenkins

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