Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hey ya'll!!
Okay so I need to say Happy April fools day!.....That joke about USU being bought by the church and getting changed to BYU--Logan wasn't funny at all!! I'm pretty sure I was about ready to yell at someone....and my heart was about ready to drop..and I was on the verge of tears! Not funny Utah State! Happy April Fools I love you. 
This week has been great! Sister Mapu and I tract everyday and we meet so many new people I love it!  This week is going to be a short email sorry.  But I hope everyone had a fantastic easter! I did---and yesterday the spirit was amazing!  I love the fact I get to play the piano and organ so much out here.  I played for 2 musical numbers yesterday--sang at the Elders baptism while playing on saturday, and I was able to play the organ for church yesterday.  I love it, the lord has truly blessed me by sending me to my perfect mission.
Tuesday this week Sister Mapu and I went to follow up with Mr. W....--we tracted into him 4 weeks ago and he finally read!  The lesson was really short about 4 min tops but it was powerful and I know he could feel the spirit at his door step.  We told him there was a living prophet on earth and he looked at us shocked and said, "There is!?"  Then he said he would read more and we are meeting with him tomorrow!  L.... was amazing this week!! She is so cute...We haven't been able to contact her for awhile but, we had a lesson with her on Saturday and right when we walked in she came out with a bag.  It had a skirt and a shirt in it for my bday.  I thought that was the sweetest thing that she even remembered!!  I will wear it because it's from her loving heart--she didn't even have to remember but she did.  But the lesson went great!  We asked her if she knew the BOM was true and she does and she knows Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God!--She has a Baptismal date set and we hope all goes well in preperation for that. 
Wednesday tracting was hilarious!! But the wierdest story is this one guy answers the door and wouldn't even shake my hand because his hands were "dirty"...then he starts going off on Mormons like we are the devil.   It took so much energy in my heart to control my anger and stand there and smile.  Then he told us we don't believe in the bible!!  He started quoting a scripture from it and Mapu started quoting it with him! Then after she says, "see we do beleive in the Bible."  Then come to find out the real reason he wouldn't even shake my hand was because I was Mormon.  Some people wow...I just had to walk away and laugh and pray for my anger to go away.  I controlled it a lot better this time then the last guy who angered me. 
Thursday we had dinner at the G..... house and it was so much fun!! I felt like I was in Newton.  The children ran out to the pasture with the elders and we ran, hid, and played with the horses.  Then, they all hid easter eggs from the missionaries! There was one called "The golden egg" and it had one dollar in it!  Well the little boy Bubba took me to find it--you should have seen all of us racing around this place in our skirts and best dressed trying to find all of these eggs.  Well the golden egg was hidden in the exhaust pipe of our car!!  Haha it was hilarious!  The elders were cracking up--Mapu started our car and it popped out....I was able to keep it because I rightfully found it...with assisstance:) 
Friday...Happy Birthday Grandma!! I love you!! 
Saturday we helped a lot with the ward.  There were multipule ward activities for easter.  I love watching the children!! They are my favorite--they have such sweet spirits and i couldn't be more thankful then to serve here in Clinton. 
Easter Sunday was amazing!! I loved every second of it.  3rd hour of church was the best--I had to play for a musical number and the song was "I heard him come"  I started crying while I was playing! The testimonies were all so strong and Mapu was crying and I couldn't see my music cause my tears weren't making it very easy for me to see.  As I was playing I just thought of the words...I couldn't help but cry and love my Savior Jesus Christ and thank him for always always being there for me.  I love him he is my best and enternal friend and his atonement is infinite and perfect.  I love what I am doing and I couldn't be more thankful to be out here.  I love you all and I hope you have a great week! This gospel is the only Church of Jesus Christ and I know it is true without a doubt in my heart! 
By now--talk to you soon.
Sister Jenkins

Cuttest girls who can impersonate Michael Jackson better than anyone.

They were trying to help me be "black!"  I was struggling.

Ward Easter Egg Hunt!  So fun!

Clover Field

In front of Maytor from Cars:)

The Elders Bombed our pic again!

My dream back yard..

Easter Dinner!

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