Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hey Ya'll!!
Wow what a week. It's been consistanly busy and I know that it's because Sister Keyes and I have been striving to be obedient in all that we do.
Monday was a great Pday. We all went to Madison to play ultimate frisbee with a lot of other missionaries. It was way fun and I scored...yep as uncoordinated as I can be sometimes I scored. Monday not a lot happened though I'm not going to lie. However, it was a well needed pday as every pday is.
Tuesday was great--We went to one of our investigators and realized that we needed to drop her. She is a very lonely lady that we have come to love, however she is a southern devoted baptist. She said that there is no way we would be changing her mind. But she loves to talk and talk and talk!! She talked for nearly an hour and a half. Keyes and I barely got three words in. We love her--but we had to tell her why we visit her and let her know we would be by less. It's always sad to drop an investigator but there are others just waiting to hear what we have to say. When we visit this sweet lady we will now have to make our visits very short because we know how lonely she gets. Sister S... fed us that night and wow..haha she fed us pig jaw bacon. I was grossed out but it's a good thing she told us at the end of dinner or else I would have been weirded out the entire time I was eating it.
Wednesday we were able to visit D.  D....... I love this lady so much--she is not a member but her son Bro. D..... is. We were able to talk with her and find out that apparently a couple of years ago two sisters were really pushy with her to get baptized so very politley she told them not to visit her anymore. We told her we would never push her. She is always welcome to come to church and we won't push her--She's amazing and has the best stories. I love visiting her. Another amazing this happened...Of course when doesn it not? But the Lord is so quick to answer prayers. Sister Keyes and I have been a little frustrated because even though she hasn't been here but for the last 3 weeks maybe for no one has come to Book of Mormon class! We were sick of feeling like it was a waste of time so we made a goal a half hour before dinner to find someone to go to BOM class. We said a prayer right before we started tracting asking that we would find someone to come. Well...guess what we did! The first door we knocked on a 18 year old boy who's mom is a former investigator answered. We told him who we are and what our purpose is. He said he's love to learn more and he promised to coming because he can drive! Well...we knew he would come..but then we get a text saying his mom wouldn't let him. But I know that because of our efforts two people ended up coming to BOM class. This boy will come to soccer this week but it's amazing at how quick the Lord is to answer prayers. Not only did all of this happen but that morning we had a really long meeting about this whole Gladys Knight event. This is going to be the biggest mission opportunity the south has had. I feel so honored because Gladys is coming to sing at our church (Clinton is the Stake center), this choir has won a grammy award (before the MoTab did), and Gladys has been ordained as a full time missionary and her testimoney is so powerful. The Clinton missionaries will be helping a lot (Keyes, me, Burt, and Green). I'm so excited the ward has been inviting everyone and we are going to get so many referrals! There's a lot to do and a lot to invite before then. But I am so excited for this amazing opportunity.
Thursday was great we had another lesson with D...... we committed her to church but she is simply not ready to come and it's completley understandable. We hope that as we continue to teach her and she continues to read she will come but everything is only a matter of time.
Saturday was a blast. Our ward held an MTC day and it was the cutest thing ever. Our primary president (Sister Boone) planned this awesome day! It was a real MTC day for all these little kids. Us missionaries got to teach them how to tract. There was a biking obstacle course, a language class, and everyone had Dot Dorks (all the new missionaries wear them in the MTC I hated mine haha) , and everyone had name tags and a mission call. They even had a giant map to take pictures in front of pointing to where their mission was in the world just like the MTC. At the very end everyone met in the gym (the flight home) we watch a video called the Atonement with Elder Holland and Elder Eying speaking. It made me cry and love my Savior so much more. But after the video everyone sang called to serve and there was even plane snacks:) It was the cutest thing! I loved the whole day I couldn't get enough those little children were making me so happy seeing all the future missionaries.
Sunday was a good day--I got asked to sing and play the piano for a musical number so I sang and played "This is the Christ" First performance where I wasn't extremely nervous. But it went good I love Sundays. Yesterday afternoon we went tracting and ran into a methodist minister and he was a sweetheart. We didn't go to argue but haha he started saying how he believes mormons can be saved and that the book of mormon was orignally written by Solomon Spalding...and that Joseph Smith copied it...I could feel my heart start pounding and I was getting really really upset!! My passion almost became vocal. But I continued to smile and bear my testimoney. At the very end we sang "I know that my redeemer lives" Then blessed their home. It was a very spiritual lesson because you could feel it and his wife said with big happy eyes, "it was such a pleasure to have you ladies" Even though they aren't investigators it was good to go bear testimoney and let them feel of the spirit. I love that couple I pray the best for them.
Sunday night--Lor.... was in the hospital for a major allergic reaction so we had the Elders come to South Jackson hospital with us to give her a blessing. They told us that Jackson Mississippi is the most dangerous state for white females. Oh and they tell us this when we are walking out of the hospital in the dark at 8:40 at night and we are lost and can't find our car. No big deal just make the Sisters freak out why don't ya. The blessing was really could I knew that Lor.... could feel the Spirit.
It was such a good week!! My testimony is always increasing and growing. I love Sister Keyes and we work hard everyday. Training is really good--Its been a very humbling experience. Everyone stay strong this week for me. I love you so much and You all are in my constant prayers. Through Christ we can do all things. I would recommend that you go and watch the Atonement video on youtube. I might be that. I dunno haha Elder Holland and Elder Eyring are the speakers. It will make you cry! I love my Savior Jesus Christ. This is is church.
Good luck--Sister Jenkins

Playing in the rain!

Primary Day in the ward was about Missions!

Adorable twins!

At a birthday party for Tanner:)

Nana is going home:(

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