Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hey ya'll!!
Wow it's been a great week. I love my new companion Sister Keyes!! We have had a great time this week--a little stressful not going to lie but we have had some great tracting experiences.
Monday was Sister Mapu's last day so we spent a lot of time just going to all the members houses to say goodbye. But I love the members here!! After watching how much all of them love sister Mapu it made me realize that love in the church is huge!! The love I have for the people out here is growing everyday and when I look at them I can't help but smile because I am so grateful to be here.
Tuesday I met Sister Keyes!! She's adorable..the ward says we look like we could be sisters...so I play along and tell them that she's my second cousin who got called to the same mission as me. Haha we have fun together--she has such a drive and motivation to do the work its honestly inspiring. She's 19 and is from Heramman Utah...I don't think I spelt that right.
Wednesday--Sister Keyes and I were able to go tracting!! We met a lot of people and we met a lady named Dem...! We were going to go visit L.... and Sister F.....--and there we saw Dem.... sitting on the stairs of these apartments smoking and reading her bible:) We went up to her and talking with her about what she believed. She doesn't even go to a church right now but she wanted us to come back. She lives with her fiance and they have lived here for 4 years..but she really wanted to hear more about our message so we set an appt for Friday. When Friday came we were able to read with her in 3 Nephi and talk about how the Book of Mormon goes hand in hand with the Bible. I love this lady!! It all made so much sense to her:) We had a great lesson and we are going back this week to teach her more. We honeslty had a good day of tracting...people were willing to let us in and talk with them. We ran into this one old Lady Eliz...... Eliz...... is a widow...she lost her husband 5 years ago and her only daughter 10 years ago. We were able to sit with her and keep her company while she gave us a tour of the house and discussed religion with her. She was able to see how the Bible and Book of Mormon work together as well! When we left she made sure we had her number and that we would come back this week. So we are. I love that lady and can't wait to go back.
On Thursday we were able to visit some less acitves in the ward. It was great! We went and visited the Sp..... family and Sister Sp..... really opened up to us...I was so thankful and wanted to cry because I love that family and want so much for them. But finding out why they don't come to church breaks my heart. Sister Mapu and I gave their girls awhile back two book of mormons with our testimonies written in them. When we left all the girls ran out to the car holding their Book of Mormons to their heart. It made me so happy--we went back this week and read with them. We visited more members so Sister Keyes could meet more people in the ward! It was a great day:)
Friday we went tracting some more. We ran into Seth S...he's 17 and he is awesome!! His mind is so open to the mormon religion and he wants to learn as much as he can. He asked some really deep questions that I was really nervous about answering but I hope we answered them to the best of our knowledge. He wants to see us again..and asked if we would go to his school play.
My favorite quote that my mission president this week told me is, "Don't focus on all the things you can't do, when the Lord see's all the things you can do." Honestly my mission has changed my life already-- I learn so much and grow everyday..I know that my life would not be the same without this. I needed to be here serving my Heavenly Father. Praising him and my Savior Jesus Christ everyday. I have a testimoney of this divine gospel and I know without a doubt in my heart that it is true!! I couldn't be more thankful to be here and I just want to say Mississippi is absolutly gorgeous this time of year!! I have never seen so much green in my life. But I am full of thanks. Heavenly Fathers plan for me is perfect--I know he loves each one of us individually and knows us better then we could ever know ourselves. Stay strong this week--pray morning and night...it doesn't take long:)
Love you all so much!
Love Sister Jenkins

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