Monday, May 6, 2013

Hey everyone!!
Wow what a week it has been. I can't believe it's already pday and here I am at the computer emailing again. I miss you all. But the relationships and everything I am learning and gaining out here couldn't be replaced. I love my mission and I love what I do. 
Wednesday we spent a lot of time tracting. I was honestly tired and sweaty haha it was great! We met some very interesting people as usual. There was one lady that said she has had multipule Mormon friends and she knows all there is to know about mormons. She was bashing Joseph Smith....(the normal.) Anyways at the end of the conversation she looks at us and says...I hope y'all are serving because you want to and not because it's expected. Haha I just looked at her and laughed. I am serving a mission because I want to and I know the words I say are true. She smiled and said, "Well, Good luck to y'all." The next person we met was sitting on her front pourch and started talking of how years ago, she met two sister mormon missionaries and a half hour later they left her husband died!! I was like what?! So as my mouth was dropped open I looked and said, "well I hope you don't think he died because of them." she laughed and said, "oh honey I know it wasn't because of those two cute girls." So we taught her the Plan of Salvation and we have an appt scheduled with her this week! It was really soul started to panic as she told that really sad story about her husband. 
D.... is still progressing it is awesome!! We were able to really teach her the Plan of Salvation this week. She understands it--it is all making sense to her and she loves her bible. Her comprehension of everything she reads is amazing. We found out this week that she has been to prison before and she was changed when she found Jesus Christ. She loves us coming over because she feels it's right. She still isn't ready to come to church which is hard because she full on admitted to us that there is nothing holding her back to come to church! She just isn't ready--I know she will come though!!
Friday we got to become a trio with Sister Benjamin. She was a visa waiter going to Australia. It was so much fun doing missionary work with her. I learned a lot as well and we had fun. 
On Saturday the twins (Brianna and Brooklyn) got baptized. It was a great baptism. I was able to play the piano and I sang a duet with Jenni. I love the ward I am in. I learn so much from the members here. They all have such a good desire to serve God and I couldn't be more thankful for their love and example. I really feel like I belong here, and I love it. 
Sunday was great:) I love Sundays! They are super busy but I really love it. Every Sunday we get to go sing at the hospital for Bro. Pat. He is so funny because he always requests Popcorn popping as the last song. We get into the song haha you would laugh. During church the missionaries get up and make announcements to get the ward excited about missionary work. With Gladys Knight coming everyone is getting extremely excited about inviting nonmembers. Anyways one of the announcements that we randomly had to say was a surprise bible study! Remember last week how Do.....said she would come to bible class? Well...she gave us her schedule and if she won't read the BOM or come to church then we will have (at her request) a bible class. So she texted us Saturday asking when it was and we randomly said, "Sunday at 3:30!" She said okay. Well we made this announcement and two ladies decided they would come. It was great. So 3:30 comes around and no Do......I knew we wouldn't be leaving the church without a class today. So we waited...and waited...only two ladies came...Sister Tr...and Sister D.... We waited...finally I called Do.... She said, "I'm at home waiting for y'all!" haha Do.....thought it would be at her apt even though we told her it would be at the church and gave her the address. But needless to say, Do..... came!! It was a spiritual highlight of the week. It could not have been set up more perfectly. These two sisters had so much in common in their conversion story with Do.... They bore testimony and at the end Do..... bore hers with tears in her eyes on why she knew she was suppose to be here today. She loved the entire class. We studied from the Bible, and then of course we brought in the BOM. We read Moroni Chpt 10:) It was planned very tactfully that morning:) We read from 1Cor 12 and it related perfectly with spritiual gifts found in Chapter 10 of Moroni. I even planned it out so Do....... had to read out loud Moroni's promise! While she read she marked her BOM! First time her BOM has been marked ever! I love watching the light her her eyes glisten as she learns more and more. 
It was a very good week. I enjoyed being with Sister Benjamin and Sister Keyes this week. We all learned so much from one another and we had to say our goodbyes to Sister Benjamin today. She is going to love Australia and I know she made a pit stop in the south for a reason. Anyways, I love what I am doing. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and I am so thankful for him. He strengthens me in all things!
Have a good week! I sure love you.
Love Sister Jenkins

Rainy Day---Sis. Keyes and Me!

We decided to knock on this abandoned houses door haha (you never know) didn't go so well. But it was worth a try.

Another rainy day in Mississippi!

The twins baptism.

Sister Benjamin and I.

We came across these baby birds that just hatched!

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