Monday, March 10, 2014

Good morning one and all:)
So, it was a good week:) Actually a really good week. We worked, and we worked hard. But good news, I am staying in Bogie Town. Which actually was slightly unexpected. In interviews I honestly thought I would be leaving, but guess the Lord has other plans. It's all good though. I really do love this branch, I was going to be sad to leave them. However, we are getting a 3rd companion. Her name is Sister Ray coming from Florence, MS. We'll be in Hattiesburg tomorrow to pick her up.
Monday we had dinner with the Mizell's and I just love that family. Christian and the girls are my favorite. Krystal is so independent and a fire ball. We talked about Moses and his entire story. The children were really into it, I think Christian really enjoyed it because now he knows that our church is the only church that has a prophet just as Moses was. I was able to reflect on the power of Heavenly Father. Wow, as we were talking and teaching I just I know this sounds weird, but I gained a solid testimony of Moses! I love him, what great faith he had to have had. But he was truly prepared and called of God. Through God, he delivered his people from Egypt. Anyways, haha it's funny because here I am the one teaching, but I'm the one being mind blown.
Wednesday was what I was thinking my last district meeting with my current district, ummm false. But, when we drove back home we tracted basically the rest of the afternoon. We tracted this retirement home and surprisingly enough 5 people let us in the doors! We met this one adorable lady miss Laura. She's elect I can feel it. She's asking all of the right questions. We went over to her house on Saturday and helped her clean it all day. Umm, this woman has more then 300 pairs of shoes!! and guess who's her size? me!! She gave me this really cute pair, plus a purse, and a necklace. She had quiet the life before she got put in this tiny apartment. But, she requested the Book of Mormon and was realizing that our church teaches everything that she believes! We can't wait to go back and see how she is doing.
Thursday we had dinner with the Workmans. Oh my, I just love that family and their adorable children. Aiden is a sweetheart, he asks me to play all the time. So, after we had a lesson with the family, Aiden comes up to me with the biggest smile on his face asking me to come play with him. How could I even resist?! We played "Tiger and the Kingdom" he made his Tiger say a prayer before we started. I thought it was the most adorable thing ever. I thought man I would give anything to be able to witness that from my own child someday. But that will come when it comes.
Saturday we went to Stake Conference (the adult session) with Sister Jones. It was so good to be back and see my old Hattiesburg ward. I love them dearly and seeing them made my day!! Elder Meredith of the 70 came and gave such a great talk. It made me reflect my life and how I could've been so much better. But, mistakes happen and lessons were learned. If there is one thing I know, is that I will never go back. I will serve God with all I can the rest of my life and after. Granted mistakes happen and the Atonement is so real, I have seen and felt the power of it everyday of my life out here. I've also been able to witness that in my brothers and sisters that we teach.
Sunday was the Bday. The Willis family fed me and it was really fun. I don't know about you, but I'm really feeling 22..haha I'm so original it's ridiculous. Anyways, we went back to Stake Conference and I saw Sister Zemp! I love that girl. She will be a dear friend after the mission. But she told me amazing news, there was a woman in Clinton that was a nurse from Bro. Kynerd and we would go sing to him and visit with him. One day when we showed up this lady started to cry and said that she could just feel our joy and love for the lord. The spirit was so strong! But apparently she is getting baptized with her entire family!! So, you never ever know what influence your "spirit" will leave on others.
A quote that I love from Elder Meredith is, "You example, the way you live your life, might be the only Book of Mormon that someone will read." Which is so true y'all. We should live our life through example and act as witnesses of Christ at all times, in all things, and in all places.
But it was a great week! Hope y'all are holding strong to that iron rod and continuing to do all you can to help the Lord in this "Hastening of the Work". I love you!
Love always Sister Jenkins

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