Monday, March 24, 2014

Hey y'all!
Okay sooo basically it was a week full of up and downs..go figure. But, it was good. It's always good. I've come to realize that no matter what (even if the week or day seems like crap) there is always something positive to pull from the day. Even if it's...I'm breathing and I managed to do something today.
So Monday was the most interesting pday on my mission so far. It was great though because my companion Sister Bailey was able to go to a baptism that she spent 9 months of her mission teaching. Her name is Ashley and she's an amazing person. I love her. We were kind of bums and had to hitch a ride to Slidell, then from Slidell hitch a ride to Ocean Springs (don't worry we didn't hitch hike we found the rides beforehand). We spent the day with Ashley, going across Biloxi bridge and going to the beach. Yeah it was a little chilly but I found some sweet shells.
The baptism was great, I am so thankful that out of all the sisters that got to go I was companions with Sister Bailey. The other thing is I met Ashley two times up in Hattiesburg because one of the Elders is one of her best friends and he just loves her. I learned something though and it really touched my heart, Sister Bailey and this Elder never ever gave up on Ashley. They loved her for all she was worth and she has given up so much to have this change in her life. The mission tells us we should drop investigators if they don't progress quickly. Well, some missionaries know better and see the person far more deeply then others do. They never give up hope on the ones they love. These missionaries and a lot of other missionaries never pressured her. They let it ultimately be her decision to be baptized. They never gave up on her. More importantly she never gave up on herself. It just made me realize that when I get home, I will never give up on the ones I love. Anyone can change, including ourselves, we just have to see them as what they can become not as they are. Even if it takes three years or more, never lose hope in your best friends and loved ones. I respect this woman a lot the day of the baptism Satan was trying hard but guess what he failed, loser.
I was able to play the piano, and the Ocean Springs ward is a lot bigger then our tiny branch here in Bogalusa. But, my heart was very full at the baptism!! There was a lot of missionaries there all in support of Ashley. She was just glowing after she was "dunked" and confirmed. Ashley was our ride home we stopped to get dinner before entering Bogalusa and she was glowing. One of the Elders said, "You have the new member glow!" really though y'all that new member glow is a real thing. I've witnessed this a lot out here even at home.
CeAnn, if you read this, I'll never forget when you became a member. You were so pure and beautiful. Never forget your baptism day and the way you felt. I'll never forget that day my friend, you were new and it was a privilege to watch you completely change your life for the better.
Now, if I went into anymore detail about Monday it would basically take up the entire email:) So, I better move on. Tuesday--hmm well we had a normal missionary day. We were all a little tired and shot from all the traveling around Monday. But, I mean we pushed through it and worked. Oh my but we found some solid investigators this week! I'm really excited to see where it all goes.
We were able to go out to the Raines this week. They live out by Franklinton (which is also our area) our area is kind of huge y'all. But, we were eating and had made plans just to tract all day out by their house. Come to find out they live 7 min away from Franklinton. We never go out there because of miles, we asked if they could take us out their. They dropped us off for a couple of hours and all we did was tract. Work has not been done in this area at all since I've been here because it's kind of a joke sometimes to get out there. But it was good to tract. We found some new investigators. Franklinton is cute!! It's a cute little town! Still not as small as Newton y'all. Do you even know how much crap I get because my town has one stop sign, one church, one park, one everything? It's really funny:) You think a town is small and then Sister Jenkins has to pipe in and talk about her town. Lets just say when it comes to small town talk, I win:) But, I did love this little place. We're going back tomorrow this week with Sister Jones!! The Lord must feel it's really time to get work done out their because now all of a sudden we are magically getting out to Franklinton!! It was such a struggle before but's becoming not a problem.
Well, the Lord truly works in mysterious ways. I have had so many blessings this week and have been able to witness tender mercies everywhere. I just have so much faith that everything is going to work out, in fact I know it. As long as I am obedient, diligent, and I endure to the end, I know the righteous desires of my heart will happen.
I hope y'all have a great week this week. Enjoy the spring time:)
Love Always Sister Jenkins


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