Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hello Everybody!
So this week has been really busy my pday was bumped to Wednesday due to a flight delay for the new missionaries coming in so because of that our transfer day got bumped to today and so did our pday.  But, yesterday was great!  My first transfer is over with and I have 6 weeks left of training!  Sister Mapu and I got to take two new Sisters out tracting for the day.  I was with Sister B and Mapu was with Sister H.  We only had one car so Mapu had to drop B and I off at the places we were going to tract.  Let me just say this, it was amazing we had great experiences and it was kinda crazy and slightly scary.  We tracted into a crazy person that is all I have to say.  Even on top of the crazy person we tracted into a man who right when he opened his apartment door this "drug" smell came pouring out.  I almost passed out right then and there.  I had an extremely bad feeling about him and there was no doubt he was stirrin up a drug storm in the kitchen.  I wanted to run away soo we briefly introduced ourselves and left.  Besides the wierd experiences we had some awesome ones too!  However...I had to keep telling myself "I am the hulk, I have Heavenly Father on my side."  Mapu always says that.  She is an awesome trainer. 
 So last week started off with us going to another family's house.  I love them soo much.  My second encounter with a fantastic family and they were making homemade peanut butter and I (like a little child) wanted to lick out the "bowl".  Well...I will just say when we went to visit with her she had to head to raymond to pick up her two little boys.  It was raining so hard and I on the way back we listened to the "windsheid wiper song"  I loved it she also got me a Diet Coke--made my day. 
We went out to Raymond twice this week and I love going to Raymond to visit our less active members.  There is a sister who is beautiful both on the outside and inside.  She's a water baby and she has a heart of gold.   I was able to paint her nails and it reminded me of painting Grandma Jensen's nails:) 
We were able to get our 1st real appt. with another incredible lady, finally!  It was amazing and the spirit was so strong.  We invited her to baptism and she said yes.  It was amazing to be able to testify the truth that is in mine and Mapus heart that we will  never deny. 
Okay sooo Mom, remember that song on the Trek CD somewhere there's a mountain?  Remember how it bugged us?  Well guess what I love that song now.  I love these little children out here and my favorite line is, "That's where I'll find Jesus, and when I see him smile, I'll put my arms around him, it will be worth every mile."  Really though since there are no mountains here, I miss them but I can't help but put myself in these little pioneer childrens shoes.  They had never seen a mountain before and they were looking for one the entire time they walked and walked.  Those children had hope that once they found that mountain they knew they would be home.  Thats how I feel.  However, Mississippi is beautiful and I love it here.  The rain is incredible I have never seen rain drops so big. 
I want you all to know that my testimoney of this gospel is growing each and everyday.  I love it with all my heart and soul and I would be out here if I didn't know it was true.  I love my Savior Jesus Christ and I love the Book of Mormon (another testament of him.)  I want to continue to work as hard as I can. I love the people of Mississippi and I am learning and growing each and everyday.  I am thankful to be here.  Ya'll have a good week!! I will be writing monday which will be extremely soon:) Stay safe, be true, and know that the lord will never ever fail you.  Love you all!
Love Sister Jenkins

Love this Living Room!
Yes, wish I had this in my house!

WELCOME to the New Sister!

Painting Finger Nails!  Once a Southern Woman always a Southern Woman!


Went to Activity Days and made a Friendship WEB!

President's Birthday--Love him!

Family in the ward knew exactly what I needed!

Birthday Fun!

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