Friday, October 25, 2013

Dear family and friends
Okay so this week hmm well a lot has happend!
Monday we ate at the Hintons house they are awesome:) We went tracting and ran into a lot of interesting people go figure though right? But at the Hintons we had carmel apples which were soo good! I was so happy I wanted to make them but Sister Hinton had them. Not only that but I am super excited because we get to help them decorate their tree soon!
Later in the week we went to see Sister Gunn--she's moving soon so we were able to help her pack. Well she lives in this little apt. complex and there is a previous investigator that lives there too. We no longer see him due to well reasons ha. But basically we had to go see a less active member right after Sis. Gunn. On the way over to Sister. Starks apt we saw our old investigator coming out of the main office building!...we started running haha we looked like spies but hey we made it to her apt. But the whole story is kinda funny. Not scary at all just funny cause we didn't want to talk to him so we were avoiding (yeah we are missionaries I know don't judge people.)
On Friday we saw Miss D and carved some pumpkins---that was fun. Before the pumpkin carving we were reading the Book of Mormon and we started talking about the story of Nephi going back to Jerusalem to receive the plates. In the middle of reading and teaching, Miss D says, "Can I just say one thing? I am so grateful for y'all. I feel so blessed that the lord has blessed me to meet y'all and I look forward every week to your visits. I love y'all soo much!" I basically started crying at that point because I love that made my day! Anyways after Miss D we started tracting. Well while we were tracting I was just walking calmly and all of a sudden Sister Hansen yells and says "dead cat!" I yelled a little;) and started running in the road! It freaked me out and I didn't even realize i was almost going to step on it. It was def a panic attack. But hey we went to the next door and they weren't interested I mean my mind was back on the work soo life was good:) That night was a relief. Taylor fed us and that girl can cook! I am like wow...I made some noodles this week and poured like chicken dumpling soup over them? Yeah I'm fantastic my poor husband. I am learning though.
Saturday was the day all of our apts went through!! It was ridiculous--but it's missionary work gotta love it:) I do sooo much--but luckily one of our potentials let us in. Her Christmas decorations are already up she is so cute and just needs love. She took us through her house and on the back pourch she says, "My best friend told me to never let y'all in again because your a cult. But I don't care what she says, I love y'all and I know you'd never hurt me." It was slightly an awkward moment for all of us but we just hugged her and reminded her that the Mormons are not a cult at all in any way whatsoever. But she told us when we come back she's going to have even more Christmas decorations up. She's such a sweetheart. Last time she even said she might come to church...progress yahoo:) That night the Fitzgeralds fed us and I just love that family so much. Bro. Fitzgerald is an awesome ward mission leader he really cares about the missionaries so much and he's always missionary minded. Their little girl is getting baptized tonight!
Sunday to me was the best this week. It was ward conference so there was a very happy spirit in the air. I love this ward so much! I feel at home whenever Sunday comes around and I love the relationship we have with each of the members. The "Catch the Wave" spirit is really all over this ward now. People are sincerely trying to help with missionary work and I love it. They are all such good examples to me and I honestly will be very sad when I have to leave this area. Ward conference was great though after we had a ward pot luck dinner. The sister made cookies:) But it was soo good I love southern food there are only but a couple things that I am not too fond of but there's a lot that I love. Tori is amazing---faithfully every week she brings her little sister, and this week she brought her little brother! We were all so happy to see them. She is going to be a great mom someday. After church we went and sang songs to Belle and Nelle (they are cute little widows who are twins). They love it when we sing even if we don't sound good they call us their angles and blessing.
Over all it was a wonderful week. Despite the hard times there is always so much more good to say about each and everyday. I KNOW this is Jesus Christs church. There is not a doubt in my mind. I KNOW the Book of Mormon is true and knowing is far more then simply believing in it. Walking by faith in my Savior Jesus Christ is what I do daily. I love him far more then words can explain. I am so thankful for the love and support I am always feeling. I am so thankful that the lord sent me to the best mission in the world:) The Jackson Mississippi Mission is the perfect mission for me. I love y'all. Hang in there and "PRAY to infinity and beyond!"
Shout out to my amazing father!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the 23rd Dad:) I love you more then I can express.
Love always
Sister Jenkins


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