Friday, October 25, 2013

Hey Y'all!
Sooo the mission is awesome. Stressful week but hey we managed to do all that we set goals for. There were a couple of instances this week where we were like, "Heavenly Father what is the point of this?" I understand now. A really cool experience happened. We were tracting down this street and literally we had a couple doors slammed in our face. Typical right? Well when we were all three asking what is the point of tracting this street our prayers were answered. Also keep in mind all of our plans fell through but we managed to stay busy all day but we were trying hard not to let discouragement get to us. I also prayed that at least one person would let us in at the beginning of the day. Well come to the end of the day and someone did let us in! I was so happy! It was crazy cause when they answered I was like yeah well there not going to let us in. But then the guy that answered took us all by surprise. He yelled at his girlfriend and told her that people were here to see her. She came to the door and said, "Please come in, I want to listen." So we were able to teach them the restoration. The man was slightly argumentative but she was sincerely listening. It was great. My prayers were answered, we have a new investigator, and there was complete purpose in tracting that specific street.
But anyways this email is going to seem short...well it's cause it is haha. But listen I know that there is a reason and a purpose for everything. I am really learning how to just trust god with everything that I have. This is his work and his glory. It's his spirit that testifies to people truth we just deliver the message. The Hattiesburg ward is jumping on board with missionary work and I am extremely impressed and look up to the examples I get to see in my life out here everyday. Just know that he does hear every word. He knows the deepest desires of our hearts and I can testify to that. I love Ether 12 by the way...I read that chapter this morning and seriously it's one of my favorite chapters to read in the Book of Mormon. Faith, hope, and Charity....if we have faith in Christ we can move mtns, do anything!! Man does my faith have a ways to go. I have a deep love for this gospel. I'm learning so much everyday and I couldn't ask for more. As tough as the works gets it all works out in the end.
Have a good week Y'all I apologize for the short email. More to come next week. 


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