Monday, October 28, 2013

Sooo this week went by fast I feel. Here in the mission they always say that the days are long but the weeks are so fast! I would have to agree. It seems like just a day ago I was emailing y'all. Anyways what an interesting week--Tuesday was awesome though. We went to lunch with our bishops wife and she took us to a cute Mexican restaurant called Mamma Alma's. While we were at mamma Alma's we got a phone call from Mamma Alma herself!! She came to church a couple of weeks ago and well during her phone call she said that she wants to get baptized! We were all like stunned for a min. We were of course screaming on the inside but he had to remain calm. That night we went over to her house--we got permission from the AP's to go to Petal cause that's where she lives. But yeah...when we went over she cooked for us!! She was adorable and accepted her baptismal date. She said that she wants her family to be apart of this church and she kept saying, "When I'm mormon" it was great. But she has a beautiful family and they all work so hard. She has my respect and her story is amazing. We had a great time talking about the gospel and eating her from scratch food. She cooked us this I'm pretty sure I or Welchy ate the fish head. But hey we enjoyed it (sorta) but she is a fantastic cook! She also was talking about how she wants her daughters to be like us serving God. The whole night just seemed unreal. I kept thinking is this really happening? But we will see where things go the lord truly does have a plan for each of us. I believe everyone who accepts the gospel and is baptized it was planned out for them perfectly and the timing couldn't have been better.
Wednesday...well I mean it was my sweet Dad's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! it was also Taylor's birthday here too. So to celebrate we all went to know the mormon bar haha where we get hot chocolate and such. It was fun all of us girls were happy. The Elders were slightly jealous we had a Hot coco party without them. But honestly I'd probably be jealous too. Wednesday we also spent a lot of the day helping Sister Gunn move, then we were able to finally teach a potential investigator Iesha the restoration.
Thursdays are always crazy to me. Especially when we faithfully observe Thirsty Thursday--Well...lets here this story...we walked everywhere today. We weren't having to much luck at the doors in all honesty. But we kept "trekin" along. It was about time to go but we wanted to try one more house. Well...hmmm this house had a ton of people outside of it. Mostly high schoolers, and well needless to say we taught them all the restoration and on the side of the road had a huge prayer circle!! There was at least 12 of them and they got the Dad of the house to come out and he told me to offer the prayer. I was nervous!! We were by this busy road and well I kinda had to yell while I prayed but I was thankful to do it. Picture it....what would you do if you saw a huge group of people holding hands while praying as you drove past them? haha only in the south! But seriously what would you better say a prayer in your heart or something.
Friday we were able to teach a member referral at their house. Her name was Tiffani and honestly she had some amazing questions! I hope and pray we answered them all pretty clearly. Then we went around inviting people to the November festival that's happening this Saturday for our ward and petal ward yahoo!
Saturday we went on exchanges and it was really good--I always love to spice things up a bit. I was able to go with Sister Smith and we had a good time-most of the day was service but we needed service hours for the week.
Overall the week was good--I love it cause this whole mission has just changed my course of thinking. God will never ever be out of my life!! He will be in every decision after I have chosen and he will always direct my paths. I am so thankful for the gospel because I feel so much peace. If there is one thing I know...he truly does hear every word we pray. He knows. Ask and we shall receive if it is of God. I know that my redeemer lives without a doubt. He is my Savior and through his grace and mercy (the atonement) we can one day live in exhalation with Christ and Heavenly Father. The Holy Ghost is the greatest gift to have if we listen he allows us to speak with power and authority. I have to constantly remind myself to listen....if I listen the words come and I always know what to say. I am so thankful for so many things. I love you all so much. Keep enduring to the end! Phillipians 4:13
Love Sister Jenkins
"God be with you till we meet again:)"

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a good time in Bogalusa, LA. Did you have a good time here? I hope so. We will miss you Sister Jenkins!
